私は、自社開発の64ビットアプリケーション用のInstallShield 2014を使用してインストーラを作成しています。私のワークステーションは32ビットです。私は次のような警告に走っています。32ビットPCに64ビットInstallShieldインストーラを作成する方法は?
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file Microsoft.VisualBasic, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Models.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file mscorlib, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Models.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file Oracle.DataAccess, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Models.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file System, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Models.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Models.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file System.Core, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Models.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file System.Data, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Models.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file System.Xml, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Models.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file Microsoft.VisualBasic, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Shared.Cryptomatic.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file mscorlib, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Shared.Cryptomatic.dll
ISDEV : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file System, or one of its dependencies of component AWP.Shared.Cryptomatic.dll
マイケルありがとう! – GhostHunterJim