private static Image queeImageFromString (string str)
// bla bla
return myImage;
} ///methods B return image
private static byte[] queeImagetoBtye (string str, string b)
//bla bla
return myBytesArray;
} //methods B return image
//**this is the methode I want to ask**
private static dynamic RunMethods(Action action)
var file;
var thread = new Thread(() => { file = action; });
return file; //will return anything like string, image, bytearray depending on method[B] returne
/// note : this code still wrong
/// I want to do 'RunMethods' run like this
public static string getResultByte (string str, string b)
// if methods[B] return string it will return string
StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder (RunMethods(queeImagetoBtye (str,b));
return strb.ToString();
public static Image getImageResult (string str)
//if methods[B] return Image it will return Image
Image imgs = RunMethods(queeImageFromString (str));
return imgs;
ありがとう、私はそれを試してみましょう...しかし、これ以上簡単ですか? –