using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class Reload : MonoBehaviour
//amount of bullets in the mag
public static int Ammo;
private float timer = 0.0f;
public float reloadTime = 3.0f;
//calls upon a command in a diffrent script that cancels the ablity to shoot
public PauseManager reload;
//plays the audio
public AudioSource reloadfx;
Text text;
void Awake()
reloadfx = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
text = GetComponent <Text>();
Ammo = 8;
void Update()
//I used this line as a underhanded way of allowing the Reload key to reload the pistol.\
//This is also my work around.
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Reload") && Ammo < 8)
Ammo = 0;
//IF Ammo is 0 or I press the reload and i am not full of ammo then reload
if (Ammo == 0 || Input.GetButtonDown ("Reload") && Ammo < 8)
//plays the sound
//enable the ablity to shoot
reload.shoot = true;
//display the ammunition
text.text = Ammo + "/8";
public void ReloadAction()
//for as long as the timer is smaller then the reload time
if (timer < reloadTime)
//disable the abillity to shoot
reload.shoot = false;
//count the time
timer += Time.deltaTime;
//after the reload reset the timer and ammo count
Ammo = 8;
timer = 0.0f;
サウンドはまったく再生されますか? – Chad
サイトへようこそ - 私は答えを追加しました。不明な点がある場合は、私に質問してください。 – Serlite