これはもっとも簡単な質問ですが、私の友人と私はp5.jsでペアを組んでいるので、以下のコードがエラーを投げている理由は分かりません。 Uncaught ReferenceError:RiLexiconが定義されていませんp5.jsで変数が定義されていない理由を特定できない
var mermaid = ("Fishes, both large and small, glide between the branches, as birds fly among the trees here upon land. In the deepest spot of all, stands the castle of the Sea King. Its walls are built of coral, and the long, gothic windows are of the clearest amber. The roof is formed of shells, that open and close as the water flows over them. Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies a glittering pearl, which would be fit for the diadem of a queen.");
var story = [];
var lexicon;
function setup() {
lexicon = new RiLexicon();
story = RiTa.tokenize(mermaid);
//partsOfSpeech = RiTa.getPosTags(story);
fill(255, 100, 100);
function draw(){
// background(255);
var wordPosX = 10;
var wordPosY = width/8;
for(var i=0; i < story.length; i++){
text(story[i], wordPosX, wordPosY)
//we check whether each parts of speech exists
//in our array
//if(partsOfSpeech[i] != null){
// text(partsOfSpeech[i], wordPosX, wordPosY+20, textWidth(story[i]), 20);
// fill(100,175,175);
wordPosX += textWidth(story[i])+ 3;
//if wordPosX goes beyond our width,
//move the text down to a new line
if(wordPosX +30 > width){
wordPosX = 10;
wordPosY += 50;
function mousePressed(){
function changingWords(){
var story = "Fishes," +
lexicon.randomWord("nn") + "" +
lexicon.randomWord("jj") +
"and" + lexicon.randomWord("jj") +
", glide between the branches, as birds fly among the trees here upon" +
lexicon.randomWord("nn") +
". In the deepest" + lexicon.randomWord("nn") +
"of all, stands the" + lexicon.randomWord("nn") +
"of the Sea King. Its walls are built of" +
lexicon.randomWord("jj") +
", and the" + lexicon.randomWord("jj") +
"," + lexicon.randomWord("jj") +
"windows are of the clearest" +
lexicon.randomWord("jj") +
". The" + lexicon.randomWord("nn") +
"is formed of shells, that" +
lexicon.randomWord("jj") +
"and close as the" +
lexicon.randomWord("nn") +
"flows over them. Their" +
lexicon.randomWord("nn") +
"is very" + lexicon.randomWord("jj") +
", for in each lies a glittering" +
lexicon.randomWord("nn") +
", which would be fit for the" +
lexicon.randomWord("nn") +
"of a queen."
「RiLexicon」はどこに定義されていますか?私はそれをコードで見ることができません、あなたは示しています。 –
ああ、私たちはする必要はないと思った?これはRiTaの一部である機能です。私たちは何をしなければなりませんか? – Claire
私はRiTaについて何も知らないが、何とかロードされなければならない。 –