特定の(画像)データに対してConvolutionニューラルネットワークをトレーニングするときに必要なメモリのサイズを計算するための公式/ どのような設定を検討しますか?ConvNetをトレーニングするために必要なメモリのサイズを計算する(Caffeを使用)

私はこの仕様のCaffeを使って簡単なConvNetを実装しました:ImageData-> Convolution-> InnerProduct-> SoftmaxWithLoss。 hereでは、1は、それがメモリの問題かもしれないと述べた

I0817 21:32:48.073011 11306 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer Layer1 
I0817 21:32:48.073108 11306 net.cpp:91] Creating Layer Layer1 
I0817 21:32:48.073148 11306 net.cpp:399] Layer1 -> data 
I0817 21:32:48.073199 11306 net.cpp:399] Layer1 -> label 
I0817 21:32:48.073256 11306 image_data_layer.cpp:38] Opening file ./data/ultrax/trainx/list.txt 
I0817 21:32:48.073309 11306 image_data_layer.cpp:56] A total of 1 images. 
I0817 21:32:48.084810 11306 image_data_layer.cpp:83] output data size: 32,3,224,224 
I0817 21:32:48.151801 11306 net.cpp:141] Setting up Layer1 
I0817 21:32:48.151892 11306 net.cpp:148] Top shape: 32 3 224 224 (4816896) 
I0817 21:32:48.151921 11306 net.cpp:148] Top shape: 32 (32) 
I0817 21:32:48.151942 11306 net.cpp:156] Memory required for data: 19267712 
I0817 21:32:48.151968 11306 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer Layer2 
I0817 21:32:48.152020 11306 net.cpp:91] Creating Layer Layer2 
I0817 21:32:48.152068 11306 net.cpp:425] Layer2 <- data 
I0817 21:32:48.152104 11306 net.cpp:399] Layer2 -> conv1 
I0817 21:32:48.152740 11306 net.cpp:141] Setting up Layer2 
I0817 21:32:48.152771 11306 net.cpp:148] Top shape: 32 64 216 216 (95551488) 
I0817 21:32:48.152796 11306 net.cpp:156] Memory required for data: 401473664 
I0817 21:32:48.152830 11306 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer Layer3 
I0817 21:32:48.152863 11306 net.cpp:91] Creating Layer Layer3 
I0817 21:32:48.152885 11306 net.cpp:425] Layer3 <- conv1 
I0817 21:32:48.152910 11306 net.cpp:399] Layer3 -> fc 
I0817 21:33:05.273979 11306 net.cpp:141] Setting up Layer3 
I0817 21:33:05.274063 11306 net.cpp:148] Top shape: 32 64 (2048) 
I0817 21:33:05.274085 11306 net.cpp:156] Memory required for data: 401481856 
I0817 21:33:05.274127 11306 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer loss 
I0817 21:33:05.512080 11306 net.cpp:91] Creating Layer loss 
I0817 21:33:05.512157 11306 net.cpp:425] loss <- fc 
I0817 21:33:05.512195 11306 net.cpp:425] loss <- label 
I0817 21:33:05.512229 11306 net.cpp:399] loss -> loss 
I0817 21:33:05.512287 11306 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer loss 
I0817 21:33:05.512351 11306 net.cpp:141] Setting up loss 
I0817 21:33:05.512387 11306 net.cpp:148] Top shape: (1) 
I0817 21:33:05.512413 11306 net.cpp:151]  with loss weight 1 
I0817 21:33:05.710017 11306 net.cpp:156] Memory required for data: 401481860 
I0817 21:33:05.710049 11306 net.cpp:217] loss needs backward computation. 
I0817 21:33:05.710068 11306 net.cpp:217] Layer3 needs backward computation. 
I0817 21:33:05.710084 11306 net.cpp:217] Layer2 needs backward computation. 
I0817 21:33:05.733338 11306 net.cpp:219] Layer1 does not need backward computation. 
I0817 21:33:05.733397 11306 net.cpp:261] This network produces output loss 
I0817 21:33:05.733440 11306 net.cpp:274] Network initialization done. 
I0817 21:33:06.133980 11306 solver.cpp:60] Solver scaffolding done. 
I0817 21:33:06.459244 11306 caffe.cpp:219] Starting Optimization 
I0817 21:33:06.483875 11306 solver.cpp:279] Solving UltraNerveSegmentation 
I0817 21:33:06.483947 11306 solver.cpp:280] Learning Rate Policy: step 
I0817 21:33:20.800559 11306 solver.cpp:337] Iteration 0, Testing net (#0) 
I0817 21:42:49.588776 11306 solver.cpp:404]  Test net output #0: loss = 87.3365 (* 1 = 87.3365 loss) 
I0817 21:48:44.556177 11306 solver.cpp:228] Iteration 0, loss = 87.3365 
I0817 21:48:46.329630 11306 solver.cpp:244]  Train net output #0: loss = 87.3365 (* 1 = 87.3365 loss) 
I0817 21:48:46.760141 11306 sgd_solver.cpp:106] Iteration 0, lr = 0.0001 





