2016-04-13 4 views

プログラムは処理3.0でエラーなく実行されますが、ウェブカメラは表示されません。 私は処理から他のキャプチャプログラムを試して、すべてが完璧に動作するので、ウェブカメラが機能していると確信しています。 問題の原因を理解できません。 (私はすでに処理ライブラリがインストールされている)ウェブカメラは処理3.0で開始しません

import processing.video.*; 
Capture capture; 

int tolerance = 20; //control how much a pixel must be diffrent from the corresponding pixel of the "samplingImage" 
int pixelsNecessary = 100; //this describes the quantity of reactive pixels required to set to activare a sensor 

int whichMode = 0; //this variables is just to show the functionality and is not necessary 

boolean backgroundCaptured = false; //this variable are just to show the functionality and is not necessary 

rects[] rects; //this object array contains all the instances of the rectangles defined into the class "rects" 

PImage samplingImage; //this is the image that is used check the differences with the live image 

void setup(){ 

    String[] cameras = Capture.list(); 

    if (cameras.length == 0) { 
    println("There are no cameras available for capture."); 
    } else { 
    println("Available cameras:"); 
    for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) { 
    samplingImage = createImage(500,375,RGB); //create a new blank image just to define its dimensions 

    capture = new Capture(this, cameras[15]); //here begins a new sessions of capturing of the images from the webcam 

    rects = new rects[100]; //define the rects array dimension 

    //here you can insert more rectangles (sensors) by specifying x1,y1,x2,y2 
    rects[0] = new rects(100,100,130,130); 
    rects[1] = new rects(50,200,150,280); 
    rects[2] = new rects(250,50,380,100); 


void keyPressed(){ 

    if(key == 'q'){ //if the key is pressed reset a new sampleImage 



    //Others keys commands to change the parameters 
    if(key == 's' && tolerance > 0) tolerance--; 
    if(key == 'a' && tolerance < 255) tolerance++; 
    if(key == 'f' && tolerance > 0) pixelsNecessary--; 
    if(key == 'g' ) pixelsNecessary++; 
    if(key == 'z') { if(backgroundCaptured==false)backgroundCaptured=true; else backgroundCaptured=false; whichMode++; } 


void captureEvent(Capture myCapture) { 

    capture.read(); //this refresh the image captured by webcam and stored in the capture variable 

void draw(){ 

    int pixelX = -1, pixelY = -1; 

    if(whichMode % 2 == 1) setSampleImage(); //this is necessary for the motion mode because it needs a new sampleImage every cycle 

    capture.loadPixels(); //fill an array of pixels from the current captured image 

    for(int i=0; i<capture.height*capture.width; i++){ //read every element of the pixels array 

     pixelX = i % width;               //get the real pixel X position 

     if(pixelX != width) pixelY = (i/width) +1; else pixelY = (i/width); //get the real pixel Y position 

     if(abs(hue(capture.pixels[i]) - hue(samplingImage.pixels[i])) > tolerance && abs(saturation(capture.pixels[i]) - saturation(samplingImage.pixels[i])) > tolerance && abs(brightness(capture.pixels[i]) - brightness(samplingImage.pixels[i])) >tolerance){ //HSB values comparison between the current image and the sample image at the current pixel 

      for(int q = 0; q < 100; q++){ //loop trough the rects array 


        if(pixelX > rects[q].x1 && pixelX < rects[q].x2 && pixelY > rects[q].y1 && pixelY < rects[q].y2) //check if there is a sensors in this part of the image 
        rects[q].amount++; //increase the number of pixels activated for this sensor 




    image(capture , 0 , 0); //show the live webcam image 

    if(!backgroundCaptured){ //this is just for this demostration. you nees just what is in the else parenthesis 
     fill(0 , 0 , 0 , 100); 
     text("Go out from the screen and press 'q' key\n in order to capture the background.\n\n Drag the rectangles (sensors) to change the sensors positions.\n\nPress 'a'/'s' keys to decrease/increase the sensors tolerance.\n\nPress 'f'/'g' keys to decrease/increase the number of pixels\n necessary to activate a sensor.\n\n Press 'z' to switch to the motion sensor mode. " , width/2 , 100); 


     for(int q = 0 ; q < 100 ; q++){ //loop trough the rects array 

      if(rects[q] != null) rects[q].draw(); //draw this rectangle object (go to the class to learn more) 



    //these are for this demo as well 
    fill(0 , 0 , 0 , 200); 
    rect(0 , height - 30 , width , height); 
    text("Tolerance (a/s): " + (255-tolerance) , 10 , height - 10); 
    text("Pixels required (f/g): " + pixelsNecessary , 150 , height - 10); 

    if(whichMode%2==1) text("Mode (z): Motion Sensor" , 320 , height - 10); else text("Mode (z): Presence Sensor" , 320 , height - 10); 


class rects{ //rectangle (sensors) class 

    int x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 , amount ; //coordinateso of the corner-corner rectangle and the amount of activated pixels 

    rects(int get_x1 , int get_y1 , int get_x2 , int get_y2){ //lets create a new rectangles with the passed parameters 

     x1 = get_x1; 
     y1 = get_y1; 
     x2 = get_x2; 
     y2 = get_y2; 


    public void draw(){ //rectangle draw function 


     if(amount > pixelsNecessary || amount == ((x2-x1)*(y2-y1))) fill(255 , 0 , 0); //if the amount is higher than ne pixelsNecessary variable or if it is equal to the number of maximum pixels of a rectangle draw it of red 

     if(mousePressed && mouseX > x1 && mouseX < x2 && mouseY > y1 && mouseY < y2){ //this is just for this demo in order to let you move the sensors 

      x1 += mouseX - pmouseX ; 
      x2 += mouseX - pmouseX ; 
      y1 += mouseY - pmouseY ; 
      y2 += mouseY - pmouseY ; 

      //draw the rectangle and the amount value text 
      rect(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2); 
      text(amount , x1 + (x2 - x1)/2 , y1 + (y2 - y1)/2 + 5); 
      amount = 0; 


void setSampleImage(){ 

     backgroundCaptured=true; //this is for the demo 

     samplingImage.loadPixels(); //fill an array of pixels from the sampling image 

     for(int i = 0 ; i < capture.height * capture.width ; i++) samplingImage.pixels[i] = capture.pixels[i]; //change every pixel with the current pixel of the live image 

     samplingImage.updatePixels(); //update the image 





import processing.video.*; 
Capture capture; 

int tolerance = 20; //control how much a pixel must be diffrent from the corresponding pixel of the "samplingImage" 
int pixelsNecessary = 100; //this describes the quantity of reactive pixels required to set to activare a sensor 

int whichMode = 0; //this variables is just to show the functionality and is not necessary 

boolean backgroundCaptured = false; //this variable are just to show the functionality and is not necessary 

rects[] rects; //this object array contains all the instances of the rectangles defined into the class "rects" 

PImage samplingImage; //this is the image that is used check the differences with the live image 

void setup(){ 

    String[] cameras = Capture.list(); 

    if (cameras.length == 0) { 
    println("There are no cameras available for capture."); 
    } else { 
    println("Available cameras:"); 
    for (int i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) { 
    samplingImage = createImage(640,480,RGB); //create a new blank image just to define its dimensions 

    capture = new Capture(this, 640, 480, cameras[0]); //here begins a new sessions of capturing of the images from the webcam 
    rects = new rects[100]; //define the rects array dimension 

    //here you can insert more rectangles (sensors) by specifying x1,y1,x2,y2 
    rects[0] = new rects(100,100,130,130); 
    rects[1] = new rects(50,200,150,280); 
    rects[2] = new rects(250,50,380,100); 


void keyPressed(){ 

    if(key == 'q'){ //if the key is pressed reset a new sampleImage 



    //Others keys commands to change the parameters 
    if(key == 's' && tolerance > 0) tolerance--; 
    if(key == 'a' && tolerance < 255) tolerance++; 
    if(key == 'f' && tolerance > 0) pixelsNecessary--; 
    if(key == 'g' ) pixelsNecessary++; 
    if(key == 'z') { if(backgroundCaptured==false)backgroundCaptured=true; else backgroundCaptured=false; whichMode++; } 


void captureEvent (Capture myCapture){ 

void draw(){ 

    int pixelX = -1, pixelY = -1; 

    if(whichMode % 2 == 1) setSampleImage(); //this is necessary for the motion mode because it needs a new sampleImage every cycle 

    capture.loadPixels(); //fill an array of pixels from the current captured image 

    for(int i=0; i<capture.height*capture.width; i++){ //read every element of the pixels array 

     pixelX = i % width;               //get the real pixel X position 

     if(pixelX != width) pixelY = (i/width) +1; else pixelY = (i/width); //get the real pixel Y position 

     if(abs(hue(capture.pixels[i]) - hue(samplingImage.pixels[i])) > tolerance && abs(saturation(capture.pixels[i]) - saturation(samplingImage.pixels[i])) > tolerance && abs(brightness(capture.pixels[i]) - brightness(samplingImage.pixels[i])) >tolerance){ //HSB values comparison between the current image and the sample image at the current pixel 

      for(int q = 0; q < 100; q++){ //loop trough the rects array 


        if(pixelX > rects[q].x1 && pixelX < rects[q].x2 && pixelY > rects[q].y1 && pixelY < rects[q].y2) //check if there is a sensors in this part of the image 
        rects[q].amount++; //increase the number of pixels activated for this sensor 




    // image(capture , 0 , 0); //show the live webcam image 
    set(0, 0, capture); 

    if(!backgroundCaptured){ //this is just for this demostration. you nees just what is in the else parenthesis 
     fill(0 , 0 , 0 , 100); 
     text("Go out from the screen and press 'q' key\n in order to capture the background.\n\n Drag the rectangles (sensors) to change the sensors positions.\n\nPress 'a'/'s' keys to decrease/increase the sensors tolerance.\n\nPress 'f'/'g' keys to decrease/increase the number of pixels\n necessary to activate a sensor.\n\n Press 'z' to switch to the motion sensor mode. " , width/2 , 100); 


     for(int q = 0 ; q < 100 ; q++){ //loop trough the rects array 

      if(rects[q] != null) rects[q].draw(); //draw this rectangle object (go to the class to learn more) 



    //these are for this demo as well 
    fill(0 , 0 , 0 , 200); 
    rect(0 , height - 30 , width , height); 
    text("Tolerance (a/s): " + (255-tolerance) , 10 , height - 10); 
    text("Pixels required (f/g): " + pixelsNecessary , 150 , height - 10); 

    if(whichMode%2==1) text("Mode (z): Motion Sensor" , 320 , height - 10); else text("Mode (z): Presence Sensor" , 320 , height - 10); 


class rects{ //rectangle (sensors) class 

    int x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 , amount ; //coordinateso of the corner-corner rectangle and the amount of activated pixels 

    rects(int get_x1 , int get_y1 , int get_x2 , int get_y2){ //lets create a new rectangles with the passed parameters 

     x1 = get_x1; 
     y1 = get_y1; 
     x2 = get_x2; 
     y2 = get_y2; 


    public void draw(){ //rectangle draw function 


     if(amount > pixelsNecessary || amount == ((x2-x1)*(y2-y1))) fill(255 , 0 , 0); //if the amount is higher than ne pixelsNecessary variable or if it is equal to the number of maximum pixels of a rectangle draw it of red 

     if(mousePressed && mouseX > x1 && mouseX < x2 && mouseY > y1 && mouseY < y2){ //this is just for this demo in order to let you move the sensors 

      x1 += mouseX - pmouseX ; 
      x2 += mouseX - pmouseX ; 
      y1 += mouseY - pmouseY ; 
      y2 += mouseY - pmouseY ; 

      //draw the rectangle and the amount value text 
      rect(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2); 
      text(amount , x1 + (x2 - x1)/2 , y1 + (y2 - y1)/2 + 5); 
      amount = 0; 


void setSampleImage(){ 

     backgroundCaptured=true; //this is for the demo 

     samplingImage.loadPixels(); //fill an array of pixels from the sampling image 

     for(int i = 0 ; i < capture.height * capture.width ; i++) samplingImage.pixels[i] = capture.pixels[i]; //change every pixel with the current pixel of the live image 

     samplingImage.updatePixels(); //update the image 
