public static void invokeContrastSafety(ViewGroup parent, int tint, boolean shouldPreserveForeground) {
Drawable background = parent.getBackground();
if (background instanceof ColorDrawable) {
if (isColorDark(((ColorDrawable) background).getColor())) {
// Parent background is dark
if (isColorDark(tint)) {
// Tint (foreground) color is also dark.
if (shouldPreserveForeground) {
// We can't modify tint color, changing background to make things readable.
} else {
// Altering foreground to make things readable
invokeInternal(parent, tint);
} else {
// Everything is readable. Just pass it on.
invokeInternal(parent, tint);
} else {
// Parent background is light
if (!isColorDark(tint)) {
if (shouldPreserveForeground) {
} else {
} else {
invokeInternal(parent, tint);
private static boolean isColorDark(int color){
double darkness = 1-(0.299* Color.red(color) + 0.587*Color.green(color) + 0.114*Color.blue(color))/255;
return darkness >= 0.2;
私の答えを参照してくださいこれはあなたを助けることを願っています。 –
[RGB色の明るさを決定する式]の可能な複製(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/596216/formula-to-determine-brightness-of-rgb-color) – geza