2017-06-09 10 views


| guid | current_level | current_value | pk | 
| a |   100 |   12 | 1 | 
| a |   200 |   12 | 2 | 
| a |   200 |   12 | 3 | 
| a |   200 |   12 | 4 | 
| a |   200 |   12 | 6 | 
| a |   300 |   14 | 7 | 
| a |   300 |   12 | 9 | 
| a |   300 |   12 | 10 | 
| a |   300 |   14 | 12 | 
| b |   100 |   10 | 5 | 
| b |   100 |   10 | 8 | 
| b |   200 |   12 | 11 | 
| b |   200 |   12 | 13 | 

を つまり、その結果、私は期待してい:

| guid | level | times | 
| a | 200 |  1 | 
| b | 200 |  1 | 



set @id = "none"; 
set @lev = 10; -- arbitary non zero starting level 

SELECT guid, current_level , if(@id <> guid, @lev := 10, 0) AS useless, case when @id <> guid then @id := guid else 0 end AS useless2 
     , (case when (current_level = 200 AND current_level <> @lev) then 1 else 0 end) as TIMES 
     , if(current_level = 200 AND current_level <> @lev, @lev := current_level, 0) AS useless3 

FROM (SELECT * FROM sensor_logs order by guid) as T 


set @id = "none"; 
set @lev = 10; -- arbitary non zero starting level 

SELECT guid, current_level , if(@id <> guid, @lev := 10, 0) AS useless, case when @id <> guid then @id := guid else 0 end AS useless2 
     , sum(case when (current_level = 200 AND current_level <> @lev) then 1 else 0 end) as TIMES 
     , if(current_level = 200 AND current_level <> @lev, @lev := current_level, 0) AS useless3 

FROM (SELECT * FROM sensor_logs order by guid) as T 
GROUP BY guid 

しかし、私は、次の取得:すなわち、だから今​​によって TIMES列とグループ化を合計すると、トリックを行う必要があります

| guid | current_level | useless | useless2 | TIMES | useless3 | 
| a |   100 |  10 | a  |  0 |  0 | 
| a |   200 |  0 | 0  |  1 |  200 | 
| a |   200 |  0 | 0  |  0 |  0 | 
| a |   200 |  0 | 0  |  0 |  0 | 
| a |   200 |  0 | 0  |  0 |  0 | 
| a |   300 |  0 | 0  |  0 |  0 | 
| a |   300 |  0 | 0  |  0 |  0 | 
| a |   300 |  0 | 0  |  0 |  0 | 
| a |   300 |  0 | 0  |  0 |  0 | 
| b |   100 |  10 | b  |  0 |  0 | 
| b |   100 |  0 | 0  |  0 |  0 | 
| b |   200 |  0 | 0  |  1 |  200 | 
| b |   200 |  0 | 0  |  0 |  0 | 

| guid | current_level | useless | useless2 | TIMES | useless3 | 
| a |   100 |  10 | a  |  4 |  0 | 
| b |   100 |  10 | b  |  2 |  0 | 




あなたが200 –




SELECT guid, current_level , if(@id <> guid, @lev := 10, 0) AS useless, case when @id <> guid then @id := guid else 0 end AS useless2 
     , (case when (current_level = 200 AND current_level <> @lev) then 1 else 0 end) as TIMES 
     , if(current_level = 200 AND current_level <> @lev, @lev := current_level, 0) AS useless3 

FROM sensor_logs 
, (SELECT @id := 'none', @lev := 10) var_init_subquery 
ORDER BY guid 


最終結果として、GROUP BYなどを直接適用しないでください。 SELECT(したがって変数と計算)はのGROUP BYの後にと評価されます。あなたの計算の後にグループ化を行うには、サブクエリでクエリを置く:

SELECT guid, SUM(times) FROM (
    SELECT guid, current_level , if(@id <> guid, @lev := 10, 0) AS useless, case when @id <> guid then @id := guid else 0 end AS useless2 
      , (case when (current_level = 200 AND current_level <> @lev) then 1 else 0 end) as TIMES 
      , if(current_level = 200 AND current_level <> @lev, @lev := current_level, 0) AS useless3 

    FROM sensor_logs 
    , (SELECT @id := 'none', @lev := 10) var_init_subquery 
    ORDER BY guid 
) sq 
GROUP BY guid 

はありがとうのocurrencesを加算していることは明らかです!完璧に動作します。パフォーマンスの観点から、これはどこにあるのでしょうか? (中規模のデータベースの場合) – user3690467


あなたのマシンに完全に依存します。フィルタリングは行われないので、フルテーブルスキャンを行います。 – fancyPants


問題を考えると、これについては「スマート」な方法がありますか? – user3690467
