// Get content of clipboard as an array of lines assuming that the
// clipboard contains text data and the lines have carriage return
// plus line-feed as line termination.
if (UltraEdit.clipboardContent.length)
var asLines = UltraEdit.clipboardContent.split("\r\n");
// Remove the last string from array if being empty because
// the text in clipboard ends with a line termination.
if (!asLines[asLines.length-1].length) asLines.pop();
// Convert the number of lines to a string using decimal
// system and replace each digit in string by character 0.
var sLeadingZeros = asLines.length.toString(10).replace(/./g,'0');
// Insert at beginning of each line a number with
// leading zeros according to maximum number of lines.
for (var nLine = 0; nLine < asLines.length; nLine++)
var sLineNumber = (nLine+1).toString(10);
sLineNumber = sLeadingZeros.substr(sLineNumber.length) + sLineNumber;
if (asLines[nLine].length)
asLines[nLine] = sLineNumber + " " + asLines[nLine];
else // For an empty line just add the line number without spaces.
asLines[nLine] = sLineNumber;
// Append an empty string to array of lines to have finally the
// block in clipboard terminated with carriage return and line-feed.
// Join the modified lines back to a block in clipboard.
UltraEdit.clipboardContent = asLines.join("\r\n");
コピー&新しいANSIファイルにこのスクリプトコードを貼り付け、ファイル名Add Line Numbers.js