2012-01-24 34 views


import random 
correct = 0 

while True: 
    questions = int(input("Enter the amount of questions would you like to answer: ")) 
    difficulty = input("Enter the difficulty of questions you would like: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced: ") 
math = input("Would you like to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, or mixed: ") 

if difficulty == "Beginner": 
    for i in range(questions): 
     if math == "multiplication": 
      beg1 = random.randint(1, 10) 
      beg2 = random.randint(1, 10) 
      prod = beg1 * beg2 

      begAns = input("What is " + str(beg1) + " times " + str(beg2) + "? ") 

      if int(begAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

     elif math == "subtraction": 
      beg1 = random.randint(1, 10) 
      beg2 = random.randint(1, 10) 
      prod = beg1 - beg2 

      begAns = input("What is " + str(beg1) + " minus " + str(beg2) + "? ") 

      if int(begAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

     elif math == "addition": 
      beg1 = random.randint(1, 10) 
      beg2 = random.randint(1, 10) 
      prod = beg1 + beg2 

      begAns = input("What is " + str(beg1) + " plus " + str(beg2) + "? ") 

      if int(begAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

     elif math == "mixed": 
      beg1 = random.randint(1, 10) 
      beg2 = random.randint(1, 10) 
      prod = beg1 * beg2 

      begAns = input("What is " + str(beg1) + " times " + str(beg2) + "? ") 

      if int(begAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

elif difficulty == "Intermediate": 
    for i in range(questions): 
     if math == "multiplication": 
      intermediate1 = random.randint(1, 25) 
      intermediate2 = random.randint(1, 25) 
      prod = intermediate1 * intermediate2 

      intAns = input("What is " + str(intermediate1) + " times " + str(intermediate2) + "? ") 

      if int(intAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

     elif math == "subtraction": 
      intermediate1 = random.randint(1, 25) 
      intermediate2 = random.randint(1, 25) 
      prod = intermediate1 - intermediate2 

      intAns = input("What is " + str(intermediate1) + " minus " + str(intermediate2) + "? ") 

      if int(intAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

     elif math == "addition": 
      intermediate1 = random.randint(1, 25) 
      intermediate2 = random.randint(1, 25) 
      prod = intermediate1 + intermediate2 

      intAns = input("What is " + str(intermediate1) + " plus " + str(intermediate2) + "? ") 

      if int(intAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

     elif math == "mixed": 
      intermediate1 = random.randint(1, 25) 
      intermediate2 = random.randint(1, 25) 
      prod = intermediate1 + intermediate2 

      intAns = input("What is " + str(intermediate1) + " times " + str(intermediate2) + "? ") 

      if int(intAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

elif difficulty == "Advanced": 
    for i in range(questions): 

     if math == "multiplication": 
      adv1 = random.randint(1, 100) 
      adv2 = random.randint(1, 100) 
      prod = adv1 * adv2 

      advAns = input("What is " + str(adv1) + " times " + str(adv2) + "? ") 

      if int(advAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

     elif math == "subtraction": 
      adv1 = random.randint(1, 100) 
      adv2 = random.randint(1, 100) 
      prod = adv1 - adv2 

      advAns = input("What is " + str(adv1) + " minus " + str(adv2) + "? ") 

      if int(advAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

     elif math == "addition": 
      adv1 = random.randint(1, 100) 
      adv2 = random.randint(1, 100) 
      prod = adv1 + adv2 

      advAns = input("What is " + str(adv1) + " plus " + str(adv2) + "? ") 

      if int(advAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

     elif math == "mixed": 
      adv1 = random.randint(1, 100) 
      adv2 = random.randint(1, 100) 
      prod = adv1 + adv2 

      advAns = input("What is " + str(adv1) + " times " + str(adv2) + "? ") 

      if int(advAns) == prod: 
       print("That's right -- well done.\n") 
       correct += 1 
       print("No, I'm afraid the answer is ",prod) 

    print("Please enter Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced.\n") 

print("\nI asked you", questions, "questions. You got ", correct, " of them right.") 

if correct/questions > 2/3: 
    print("Well done.\n") 
elif correct/questions > 1/3: 
    print("You need more practice.\n") 
    print("Please ask your math teacher for help!\n") 

restart = input("Would you like to play again? Y/N: ") 
if restart == "Y": 
elif restart == "N": 
    print("Please Enter Y or N") 

、あなたが欲しい、特定の部分にあなたのコードをダウン削り取っが困難に試してみてくださいヘルプ。私はdownvoteしなかったが、それはおそらく他の誰かがした理由です。 –


あなたのコードは、2つの機能を使用する利点もあります。あなたは1つの場所で多すぎます。 –



ランダムに、+のいずれかを選択するには - 、または*と二つの数値に適用:今後の参考のため

import random 
from operator import add, sub, mul 

ops = (add, sub, mul) 
op = random.choice(ops) 

beg1, beg2 = random.randint(1,10), random.randint(1,10) 

ans = op(beg1, beg2) 