2016-04-06 9 views


public class ViewImportPreviewViewModel:BindableBase 
     private IEventAggregator eventAggregator; //event aggregator to enable Studio button in different ViewModel 

     private readonly IRegionManager regionManager; //region manager for navigation to the main menu 

     public CompositeCommand FinalizeImportClick{get;set;}//composite command to register multiple command for finalize import button click 

     public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator) //constructor 
      this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator; 
      this.regionManager = regionManager; 

      FinalizeImportClick = new CompositeCommand(); 
      FinalizeImportClick.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<string>(NavigateToMain)); //register a delegate command for finalize import button click 


     //subscriber method to the firs delegate command registered with finalize button click 
     private void NavigateToMain(string argument) 
      //it enables the studio button after import and sends it to the main menu view XAML 

      //it navigates to the main menu after import 
      regionManager.RequestNavigate("ScreenNavigationRegion", argument); 

      //publish an event for the main buttons viewmodel and then over there try to fade in main buttons 



public class ViewImportPreviewViewModel:BindableBase 
     private IEventAggregator eventAggregator; //event aggregator to enable Studio button in different ViewModel 

     private readonly IRegionManager regionManager; //region manager for navigation to the main menu 

     public CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick;//composite command to register multiple command for finalize import button click 

     public ViewImportPreviewViewModel(IRegionManager regionManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, CompositeCommand finalizeImportClick) //constructor 
      this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator; 
      this.regionManager = regionManager; 

      this.finalizeImportClick = finalizeImportClick; 
      finalizeImportClick.RegisterCommand(new DelegateCommand<string>(NavigateToMain)); //register a delegate command for finalize import button click 


     //subscriber method to the firs delegate command registered with finalize button click 
     private void NavigateToMain(string argument) 
      //it enables the studio button after import and sends it to the main menu view XAML 

      //it navigates to the main menu after import 
      regionManager.RequestNavigate("ScreenNavigationRegion", argument); 

      //publish an event for the main buttons viewmodel and then over there try to fade in main buttons 



CompositeCommand myCommand = new CompositeCommand(); 

をIエラーは発生しませんが、コマンドが登録されても、NavigateToMain(string argument)は呼び出されません。



は私の最初の質問は、あなたが最初の場所でこれを実行したいと思う理由は、ありますか?ユニットテストですか?ビューモデルの外で初期化したい理由が他にはありません。また、 'CompositeCommand'はシングルトンであり、作成されたすべてのビューで渡され、登録され、これによってコンポジットコマンドはあなたのviewmodelへの参照を保持するので、あなたの試みはかなり危険です。 'CompositeCommand'のライフタイムがアプリケーションのものと等しいので、ビューモデルはいつもガベージコレクションされません – Tseng


正直言って、私は何か特別な理由はありませんこの。私はちょうど固体の原則に従おうとしていました。 – Ivan







//Create an interface to abstract away the implementation of the static GlobalCommands class 
public interface IGlobalCommands 
    CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand { get; } 

public static class GlobalCommands 
    public static CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand = new CompositeCommand(); 

//Create a facade around the static GlobalCommands class 
public class GloablCommandsFacade : IGlobalCommands 
    public CompositeCommand SaveAllCommand 
     get { return GlobalCommands.SaveAllCommand; } 


//register our global commands facade with the container as the IGlobalCommands interface so that we can ask for this service in our VM constructors 
     // and remove the call to a static class in our VM. This keeps us testable. 
     Container.RegisterType<IGlobalCommands, GloablCommandsFacade>(); 