2017-04-01 9 views


<img src="myimage.gif"> 

ページがロードされたときにこれが果たしています。私は、イメージの開始と停止または一時停止機能を持つことができるようにしたい。 gifは開始時にトグルし、クリック時に停止する必要があります。

どうすればこの問題を解決できますか? 多くのありがとうございます。


http://www.pcworld.com/article/2842792 /how-to-create-a-high-quality-animated-gif.htmlこのリンクを確認してください –


[JavascriptでGIFアニメーションを制御できますか?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2385203/can -you-control-gif-animation-with-javascript) – jakeehoffmann


$('.gifs a').embedly({ 
     display: function(obj){ 
     if (obj.type === 'photo'){ 

      var $this = $(this); 

      // Create the static image src with Embedly Display. 
      var src = $.embedly.display.display(obj.url, {query: {animate:false} }); 

      // Add static gif placeholder to the parent 
      $this.html('<img class="gif-holder" src="'+src+'" />'); 

      // Start preloading the actually gif. 
      $this.append('<img class="gif-preload" src="'+obj.url+'" />'); 

      // Create a promise so we can keep track of state. 
      $this.data('promise', $.Deferred()); 

      // Get the element we added. 
      var elem = $this.find('.gif-preload').get(0); 

      // If the image is not in cache then onload will fire when it is. 
      elem.onload = function(){ 

      // If the image is already in the browsers cache call the handler. 
      if (elem.complete) { 
      // Set the static gif url so we can use it later. 
      $(this).data('static_url', src); 
     } else { 
      // remove li if it's not an image. 
    }).on('mouseenter', function(){ 
     var $this = $(this); 

     // Set the hover state to true so that the load function knows to run. 
     $this.data('hover', true); 

     // Create a function to load the gif into the image. 
     var load = function(){ 
     if ($this.data('hover') === true){ 
      // Remove the loading image if there is one 

      // Swap out the static src for the actually gif. 
      $this.find('img.gif-holder').attr('src', $this.data('embedly').url); 
     // Add the load function to the done callback. If it's already resolved 
     // this will fire immediately. 

     // Add a spinner if it's not going to play right away. 
     if ($this.data('promise').state() === 'pending'){ 
     // Add a loading spinner. 
     $this.append('<i class="gif-loading fa fa-spinner fa fa-spin"></i>'); 

     // we need to center it over the image. 
      top: $this.height()/2 - 20, 
      left: $this.width()/2 - 20 
    }).on('mouseleave', function(){ 
     var $this = $(this); 

     // Make sure the load function knows we are no longer in a hover state. 
     $this.data('hover', false); 

     // Remove the spiner if it's there. 

     // Set the src to the static url. 
     $this.find('img.gif-holder').attr('src', $(this).data('static_url')); 



あなたのコードはあまりにも私のコードのために良いです感謝 –

<script type="text/javascript" src="./libgif.js"></script> 
<img src="./example1_preview.gif" rel:animated_src="./example1.gif" 
width="360" height="360" rel:auto_play="1" rel:rubbable="1" /> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $$('img').each(function (img_tag) { 
     if (/.*\.gif/.test(img_tag.src)) { 
      var rub = new SuperGif({ gif: img_tag }); 
       console.log('oh hey, now the gif is loaded'); 

