You can see here what happens when I maximize the window.
は、制御のための私のコードです: 公共部分クラスのReportBuilderControl:ユーザーコントロール{
#region Delegates
public delegate void SelectedElementChangedHandler(object sender, SelectedElementChangedEventArgs e);
#endregion Delegates
#region Events
public event SelectedElementChangedHandler SelectedElementChanged;
#endregion Events
#region Variables
private float mZoom = 1;
private PaperSize mPaperSize = new PaperSize("Paper", 850, 1100);
private List<PrintElement> mElements = new List<PrintElement>();
private int mPageCount = 1;
#endregion Variables
public int PageCount {
get { return mPageCount; }
set {
mPageCount = value;
/// <summary>
/// The number of pixels each value of the scrollbar will move. Scaling does not affect this.
/// </summary>
public float ScrollSize {
get { return 10f; }
public int PagePadding {
get { return (int)(3 * ScrollSize * Zoom); }
public float Zoom {
get { return mZoom; }
set {
mZoom = value;
public int ScaledPageHeight {
get {
return (int)(mPaperSize.Height * Zoom);
private void UpdateScrollbarSize() {
VerticalScroll.Maximum = (int)Math.Ceiling(mPageCount * mPaperSize.Height/ScrollSize * Zoom + (PagePadding * (mPageCount + 1)/ScrollSize));
public ReportBuilderControl() {
Paint += ReportBuilderControl_Paint;
private void ReportBuilderControl_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {
// At the very least, we need to fill the clip rectangle with the background color.
// Determine which pages are visible.
Rectangle vis = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(ClientRectangle.Width/Zoom), (int)(ClientRectangle.Height/Zoom));
vis.Y = (int)(VerticalScroll.Value * ScrollSize);
int pageHeight = (int)(mPaperSize.Height * Zoom),
pageWidth = (int)(mPaperSize.Width * Zoom),
startPage = vis.Y/pageHeight,
endPage = (int)(Math.Ceiling(vis.Height/(double)pageHeight)) + startPage;
// Bring the invalidated rectangle to "Page Space", meaning an unzoomed, regular sized page, i.e. 850x1100
Rectangle clip = e.ClipRectangle;
clip.X = (int)(clip.X/Zoom);
clip.Y = (int)(clip.Y/Zoom);
clip.Width = (int)(clip.Width/Zoom);
clip.Height = (int)(clip.Height/Zoom);
// Draw visible pages, if the unzoomed page rectangle intersects the clip rectangle.
for (int i = startPage; i < endPage; ++i) {
// Calculate page rectangle.
int rectX = Math.Max((int)((ClientRectangle.Width - mPaperSize.Width) * 0.5), 0);
int rectY = PagePadding * (i + 1) + mPaperSize.Height * i;
Rectangle pageRect = new Rectangle(rectX, rectY, pageWidth, pageHeight);
if(pageRect.IntersectsWith(e.ClipRectangle)) {
Rectangle intersection = e.ClipRectangle;
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.WhiteSmoke), intersection);
Form builder = new Form();
ReportBuilderControl rpt = new ReportBuilderControl();
rpt.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 14, 15, 15);
rpt.ClientSize = builder.ClientSize;
rpt.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left;
を..あなたの質問を更新し、あなたは私が提案する問題 – MethodMan
を持っているコードを投稿してくださいサイズ変更後にウィンドウを更新します。 –
@HadiFooladiTalariこれはうまくいきましたが、フォームが最大化されるとクリップ矩形がフルスクリーンになり、クリップ矩形全体でGraphics.ClearとGraphics.FillRectangleの両方を試しました。なぜ私はそのエリアを引き寄せようとしているときにフォームをリフレッシュするとこれを修正するのですか? – Zalerinian