現在、他の方法はありません。 ファイルでは、NetParameter
message NetParameter {
optional string name = 1; // consider giving the network a name
// DEPRECATED. See InputParameter. The input blobs to the network.
repeated string input = 3;
// DEPRECATED. See InputParameter. The shape of the input blobs.
repeated BlobShape input_shape = 8;
// 4D input dimensions -- deprecated. Use "input_shape" instead.
// If specified, for each input blob there should be four
// values specifying the num, channels, height and width of the input blob.
// Thus, there should be a total of (4 * #input) numbers.
repeated int32 input_dim = 4;
// Whether the network will force every layer to carry out backward operation.
// If set False, then whether to carry out backward is determined
// automatically according to the net structure and learning rates.
optional bool force_backward = 5 [default = false];
// The current "state" of the network, including the phase, level, and stage.
// Some layers may be included/excluded depending on this state and the states
// specified in the layers' include and exclude fields.
optional NetState state = 6;
// Print debugging information about results while running Net::Forward,
// Net::Backward, and Net::Update.
optional bool debug_info = 7 [default = false];
// The layers that make up the net. Each of their configurations, including
// connectivity and behavior, is specified as a LayerParameter.
repeated LayerParameter layer = 100; // ID 100 so layers are printed last.
// DEPRECATED: use 'layer' instead.
repeated V1LayerParameter layers = 2;
ネットを定義するより "機能的な"方法を望むなら、 'NetSpec()' pythonインターフェイスを調べるべきです。 – Shai
@Shaiありがとう、私は実際にPythonインターフェイスを使用しています、私はちょうど私が "xavier"フィラーを使用する私のケースではほとんどの時間、レイヤーの代わりに一度それを設定することができますかと思う。 – dontloo