2011-01-11 31 views

alt text alt textRANSACアルゴリズム


あなたの質問はあまりにも曖昧です。重なったコーナーではどういう意味ですか? – koan


それを指摘してくれてありがとう。私はその質問を修正した。 – view



私は長年のカップルの裏画像スティッチャーを実装しました。 WikipediaのRANSACに関する記事は、一般的な鳥類の鳥類をよく説明しています。



The input to the algorithm is: 
n - the number of random points to pick every iteration in order to create the transform. I chose n = 3 in my implementation. 
k - the number of iterations to run 
t - the threshold for the square distance for a point to be considered as a match 
d - the number of points that need to be matched for the transform to be valid 
image1_points and image2_points - two arrays of the same size with points. Assumes that image1_points[x] is best mapped to image2_points[x] accodring to the computed features. 

best_model = null 
best_error = Inf 
for i = 0:k 
    rand_indices = n random integers from 0:num_points 
    base_points = image1_points[rand_indices] 
    input_points = image2_points[rand_indices] 
    maybe_model = find best transform from input_points -> base_points 

    consensus_set = 0 
    total_error = 0 
    for i = 0:num_points 
    error = square distance of the difference between image2_points[i] transformed by maybe_model and image1_points[i] 
    if error < t 
     consensus_set += 1 
     total_error += error 

    if consensus_set > d && total_error < best_error 
    best_model = maybe_model 
    best_error = total_error 
