これを行う方法を示すコードが既にありますか?それはone of the examples provided with PHPMailerです。ここで
require '../PHPMailerAutoload.php';
//Create a new SMTP instance
$smtp = new SMTP;
//Enable connection-level debug output
$smtp->do_debug = SMTP::DEBUG_CONNECTION;
try {
//Connect to an SMTP server
if (!$smtp->connect('mail.example.com', 25)) {
throw new Exception('Connect failed');
//Say hello
if (!$smtp->hello(gethostname())) {
throw new Exception('EHLO failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
//Get the list of ESMTP services the server offers
$e = $smtp->getServerExtList();
//If server can do TLS encryption, use it
if (is_array($e) && array_key_exists('STARTTLS', $e)) {
$tlsok = $smtp->startTLS();
if (!$tlsok) {
throw new Exception('Failed to start encryption: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
//Repeat EHLO after STARTTLS
if (!$smtp->hello(gethostname())) {
throw new Exception('EHLO (2) failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
//Get new capabilities list, which will usually now include AUTH if it didn't before
$e = $smtp->getServerExtList();
//If server supports authentication, do it (even if no encryption)
if (is_array($e) && array_key_exists('AUTH', $e)) {
if ($smtp->authenticate('username', 'password')) {
echo "Connected ok!";
} else {
throw new Exception('Authentication failed: ' . $smtp->getError()['error']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'SMTP error: ' . $e->getMessage(), "\n";
は、あなたがこれまでにしようとしているものを追加することができますか? – jbduzan
初期インスタンスを設定した後、私は以下を試しました: if($ mail-> Connect()){ echo "Connection successful"; else { echo "接続エラー"; } – Magiclint