for i in range(0,b):
for j in range(0,a):
ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[j]
これは正しく表示されません。 2つのループでは、最初の純収入を最初の総資本で割った後、最初の純収入を2番目の総資本で割るなど、可能なすべての純利益を可能なすべての資本で割る。しかし、これらの結果のほとんどは破棄されます。 ret
がa-1に等しいときです。つまり、最終的に総資本で割るだけです。 28324711.0/236272903.0
for i in range(0,b):
ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[i]
for x,y in zip(net_income, total_capital):
roc = [x/y for x,y in zip(net_income, total_capital)]
total_capital = [367560073.0, 306315566.0, 279233089.0, 272576179.0, 236272903.0]
net_income = [28324711.0, 12887235.0, 6728637.0, 2620339.0, -9393534.0]
a = len(total_capital)
b = len(net_income)
roc = []
for i in range(0,b):
for j in range(0,a):
print("calculating ret as the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,j))
ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[j]
print("appending to roc the value of the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,j))
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 0th total capital
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 1th total capital
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 2th total capital
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 3th total capital
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 4th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 0th net income divided by the 4th total capital
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 0th total capital
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 1th total capital
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 2th total capital
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 3th total capital
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 4th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 1th net income divided by the 4th total capital
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 0th total capital
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 1th total capital
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 2th total capital
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 3th total capital
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 4th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 2th net income divided by the 4th total capital
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 0th total capital
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 1th total capital
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 2th total capital
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 3th total capital
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 4th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 3th net income divided by the 4th total capital
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 0th total capital
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 1th total capital
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 2th total capital
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 3th total capital
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital
に追加されていることがわかります。 roc
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 0th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 0th net income divided by the 0th total capital
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 1th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 1th net income divided by the 1th total capital
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 2th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 2th net income divided by the 2th total capital
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 3th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 3th net income divided by the 3th total capital
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital
appending to roc the value of the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital
total_capital = [367560073.0, 306315566.0, 279233089.0, 272576179.0, 236272903.0]
net_income = [28324711.0, 12887235.0, 6728637.0, 2620339.0, -9393534.0]
a = len(total_capital)
b = len(net_income)
roc = []
for i in range(0,b):
print("calculating ret as the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,i))
ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[i]
print("appending to roc the value of the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,i))
私は何かが不足しているかもしれませんが、最初に設定しますが、 'ret'を上書きしてから' roc'に追加してください。 – steveb