2017-04-04 6 views


def total_capital(df_balance): 
    total_capital = [] 
    for i in range(0,5): 
     cap = df_balance.ix[5,i] 
    total_capital = [float(x) for x in total_capital] 
    print('Total Capital is :') 
    net_income = [] 
    for i in range(0,5): 
     net = df_income.ix[-1,i] 
    print('Net Income is:') 
    net_income = [float(x) for x in net_income] 
    a = len(total_capital) 
    b = len(net_income) 
    roc = [] 
    for i in range(0,b): 
     for j in range(0,a): 
      ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[j] 



Total Capital is : 
[367560073.0, 306315566.0, 279233089.0, 272576179.0, 236272903.0] 
Net Income is: 
[28324711.0, 12887235.0, 6728637.0, 2620339.0, -9393534.0] 
roc is: 
[0.11988133484777981, 0.054543855162265474, 0.028478242382284524, 0.011090306872811396, -0.03975713626373821] 

以上の結果を考えると、私はリストの両方の最初の要素を取得し、それらを手動で分ける場合は、Pythonで関数を呼び出した後、私の答えは、リスト中華民国の最初の要素と一致していません。 。


28324711.0/367560073.0 = 0.0770614467692741 





私は何かが不足しているかもしれませんが、最初に設定しますが、 'ret'を上書きしてから' roc'に追加してください。 – steveb


for i in range(0,b): 
    for j in range(0,a): 
     ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[j] 

これは正しく表示されません。 2つのループでは、最初の純収入を最初の総資本で割った後、最初の純収入を2番目の総資本で割るなど、可能なすべての純利益を可能なすべての資本で割る。しかし、これらの結果のほとんどは破棄されます。 retに追加する唯一の時間は、jがa-1に等しいときです。つまり、最終的に総資本で割るだけです。 28324711.0/236272903.00.11988133484777981と等しいので、これはあなたの出力を説明します。


for i in range(0,b): 
    ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[i] 


for x,y in zip(net_income, total_capital): 


roc = [x/y for x,y in zip(net_income, total_capital)] 


total_capital = [367560073.0, 306315566.0, 279233089.0, 272576179.0, 236272903.0] 
net_income = [28324711.0, 12887235.0, 6728637.0, 2620339.0, -9393534.0] 
a = len(total_capital) 
b = len(net_income) 
roc = [] 
for i in range(0,b): 
    for j in range(0,a): 
     print("calculating ret as the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,j)) 
     ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[j] 
    print("appending to roc the value of the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,j)) 


calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 0th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 1th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 2th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 3th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital 

あなたはそれが第四総資本を使っている、唯一の時間は何がこれまでrocに追加されていることがわかります。 rocに追加された値には、総資本の他の値は使用されません。今


calculating ret as the 0th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 0th net income divided by the 0th total capital 
calculating ret as the 1th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 1th net income divided by the 1th total capital 
calculating ret as the 2th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 2th net income divided by the 2th total capital 
calculating ret as the 3th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 3th net income divided by the 3th total capital 
calculating ret as the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital 
appending to roc the value of the 4th net income divided by the 4th total capital 


total_capital = [367560073.0, 306315566.0, 279233089.0, 272576179.0, 236272903.0] 
net_income = [28324711.0, 12887235.0, 6728637.0, 2620339.0, -9393534.0] 
a = len(total_capital) 
b = len(net_income) 
roc = [] 
for i in range(0,b): 
    print("calculating ret as the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,i)) 
    ret = net_income[i]/total_capital[i] 
    print("appending to roc the value of the {}th net income divided by the {}th total capital".format(i,i)) 



最初の解決策が完全に試されました。エラーを指摘してくれてありがとう。 –
