################ template makefile ##############
# We don't know what compiler to use to build fltk on this machine - but fltk-config does...
CC = $(shell fltk-config --cc)
CXX = $(shell fltk-config --cxx)
# Set the flags for compiler: fltk-config knows the basic settings, then we can add our own...
CFLAGS = $(shell fltk-config --cflags)
CXXFLAGS = $(shell fltk-config --cxxflags) -I/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/
# We don't know what libraries to link with: fltk-config does...
LINKFLTK = $(shell fltk-config --ldstaticflags)
LINKFLTK_GL = $(shell fltk-config --use-gl --ldstaticflags) -lGLU
LINKFLTK_IMG = $(shell fltk-config --use-images --ldstaticflags)
# Possible steps to run after linking...
STRIP = strip
POSTBUILD = fltk-config --post # Required on OSX, does nothing on other platforms, so safe to call
TARGET = CompletedFile
# Define what your target application is called
all: $(TARGET)
# Define how to build the various object files... -snip-
# Now define how to link the final app - let's assume it needs image and OpenGL support
$(TARGET): MyWindow.o main.o
$(CXX) -o [email protected] MyWindow.o main.o $(LINKFLTK_IMG) $(LINKFLTK_GL)
$(STRIP) [email protected]
$(POSTBUILD) [email protected] # only required on OSX, but call it anyway for portability
############### end #################
main.o: main.cpp MyWindow.h main.h
$(CXX) -c $< \
MyWindow.o: MyWindow.cpp MyWindow.h $(CXX) -c $< \ $(CXXFLAGS)
なぜ「過剰」ですか?より深刻なプロジェクトでは、数多くの共有ライブラリが使用されています...代替GUIツールキットに基づいてアプリケーションをチェックします。 – DejanLekic