2010-12-15 24 views



<Window.Resources><local:Tasks x:Key="myTodoList"/></Window.Resources> 


<ListBox Width="400" Margin="10" 
     ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource myTodoList}}"/> 


using System.Collections; // use ArrayList 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; // use Observable Collection 

namespace FooApplication1 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml 
    /// </summary> 
    public partial class MainWindow : Window 
     public MainWindow() 
    public class Tasks : ObservableCollection<Tasks> 
     string TaskName; 
     string Description; 
     int Priority; 

     public TasksStuff(string taskName, string description, int priority) 
      this.taskName = TaskName; 
      this.description = Description; 
      this.priority = Priority; 

     public string TaskName 
     {get{return this.taskName}} 

     public string Description 
     {get{return this.description}} 

     public string Priority 
     {get{return this.priority}} 

     private ArrayList Tasks 
      ArrayList taskList = new ArrayList(); 
      taskList.Add(new TasksStuff("A foo task", "doing foo",1)); 
      return taskList; 

(動作しない)以下でした:リストボックスには、NO xを持っていません。




public class Tasks : ObservableCollection<Task /*or whatever type you want to use here*/> 


// This is a class to store information for a single task 
// It has nothing to do with a collection of tasks 
public class Task 
    private String _taskName; 
    public String TaskName 
     get { return _taskName; } 
     set { _taskName = value; } 

    private String _description; 
    public String Description 
     get { return _description; } 
     set { _description = value; } 

    private Int32 _priority; 
    public Int32 Priority 
     get { return _priority; } 
     set { _priority = value; } 

    public Task(String taskName, String description, Int32 priority) 
     this.TaskName = taskName; 
     this.Description = description; 
     this.Priority = priority; 

// This is a class that is a collection of Task types 
// Since it inherits from ObservableCollection, it is itself a collection 
// There is no need to declare/create an ArrayList inside. 
// And on a strict note, do not ever use ArrayList. It is obsolete and not strongly typed. 
// Use List<T>, ObservableCollection<T>, etc. instead. 
// Look for more Generic Collections in System.Collections.Generic namespace 
public class Tasks : ObservableCollection<Task> 
    public Tasks() 
     Add(new Task("A foo task", "doing foo", 1)); 

+1、もしくは 'IListの'、または 'IBindingList'など – user7116


ArrayListクラスにdatalist.Addを追加できません。アレイにどのように追加しますか? – KMC


私はそれを取得しない、あなたはコードを提供できますか? – decyclone