2017-05-27 9 views


CustomerID   InvoiceDate 
     <fctr>    <dttm> 
1  13313 2011-01-04 10:00:00 
2  18097 2011-01-04 10:22:00 
3  16656 2011-01-04 10:23:00 
4  16875 2011-01-04 10:37:00 
5  13094 2011-01-04 10:37:00 
6  17315 2011-01-04 10:38:00 
7  16255 2011-01-04 11:30:00 
8  14606 2011-01-04 11:34:00 
9  13319 2011-01-04 11:40:00 
10  16282 2011-01-04 11:42:00 


CustomerID   InvoiceDate delta.t delta.day 
     <fctr>    <dttm>  <time>  <dbl> 
1  12415 2011-01-10 09:58:00 5686 days  5686 
2  12415 2011-02-15 09:52:00 51834 days  51834 
3  12415 2011-03-03 10:59:00 23107 days  23107 
4  12415 2011-04-01 14:28:00 41969 days  41969 
5  12415 2011-05-17 15:42:00 66314 days  66314 
6  12415 2011-05-20 14:13:00 4231 days  4231 
7  12415 2011-06-15 13:37:00 37404 days  37404 
8  12415 2011-07-13 15:30:00 40433 days  40433 
9  12415 2011-07-13 15:31:00  1 days   1 
10  12415 2011-07-19 10:51:00 8360 days  8360 


d <- data %>% 
    arrange(CustomerID,InvoiceDate) %>% 
    group_by(CustomerID) %>% 
    mutate(delta.t = InvoiceDate - lag(InvoiceDate), #calculating the difference 
      delta.day = as.numeric(delta.t, unit = 'days')) %>% 
    na.omit() %>% 
    arrange(CustomerID) %>% 
    inner_join(Ntrans) %>% #Existing data.frame telling me the number of transactions per customer 
    filter(N>=10) %>% #only want people with more than 10 transactions 



delta.tは、数日ではなく数分で結果を出すようです。行8と行9の違いを参照してください。 –


ああ、それはとても奇妙です。 –


delta.tは、InvoiceDateのクラスがPOSIXctのときにうまく動作します –




> library('lubridate') 
> library('dplyr') 
> InvoiceDate <- c('2011-01-10 09:58:00', '2011-02-15 09:52:00', '2011-03-03 10:59:00') 
> CustomerID <- c(111, 111, 111) 
> dat <- data.frame('Invo' = InvoiceDate, 'ID' = CustomerID) 
> dat %>% mutate('Delta' = as_date(Invo) - as_date(lag(Invo))) 
       Invo ID Delta 
1 2011-01-10 09:58:00 111 NA days 
2 2011-02-15 09:52:00 111 36 days 
3 2011-03-03 10:59:00 111 16 days 