#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "graph.h"
/* helper function prototypes */
// create a new vertex with a specific label
Vertex* new_vertex(const char* name);
// create a new w-weighted edge from vertex id u to vertex id v
Edge* new_edge(int u, int v, int w);
// destroy a vertex, including its label and all of its edges
void free_vertex(Vertex* vertex);
/* function definitions */
// create a new, empty graph, with space for n vertices
Graph* new_graph(int n) {
Graph* graph = malloc(sizeof (*graph));
graph->n = 0;
graph->maxn = n;
graph->vertices = malloc(n * sizeof (Vertex*));
return graph;
// create a new vertex with a specific label
Vertex* new_vertex(const char* label) {
Vertex* vertex = malloc(sizeof (*vertex));
// make sure to copy the label across
vertex->label = malloc((1 + strlen(label)) * sizeof (char));
strcpy(vertex->label, label);
vertex->first_edge = NULL;
return vertex;
// create a new w-weighted edge from vertex id u to vertex id v
Edge* new_edge(int u, int v, int w) {
Edge* edge = malloc(sizeof (*edge));
edge->u = u;
edge->v = v;
edge->weight = w;
edge->next_edge = NULL;
return edge;
// destroy a graph, its vertices, and their edges
void free_graph(Graph* graph) {
if (graph) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < graph->n; i++) {
// destroy a vertex, including its label and all of its edges
void free_vertex(Vertex* vertex) {
if (vertex) {
while (vertex->first_edge) {
Edge* edge = vertex->first_edge;
vertex->first_edge = vertex->first_edge->next_edge;
// add a new vertex with label 'name' to a graph
void graph_add_vertex(Graph* graph, const char* name) {
if (graph->n < graph->maxn) {
graph->vertices[graph->n] = new_vertex(name);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "hey! adding new vertex to full graph\n");
// add an undirected edge between u and v with weight w to graph
void graph_add_u_edge(Graph* graph, int u, int v, int w) {
// an undirected edge is just two directed edges
graph_add_d_edge(graph, u, v, w);
graph_add_d_edge(graph, v, u, w);
// add a directed edge from u to v with weight w to a graph
void graph_add_d_edge(Graph* graph, int u, int v, int w) {
if(u < graph->n && u >= 0 && v < graph->n && v >= 0) {
Edge* edge = new_edge(u, v, w);
edge->next_edge = graph->vertices[u]->first_edge;
graph->vertices[u]->first_edge = edge;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "hey! adding edge between non-existant vertices\n");
#ifndef GRAPH_H
#define GRAPH_H
typedef struct graph Graph;
typedef struct vertex Vertex;
typedef struct edge Edge;
// a graph knows its order (number of vertices) and an array of pointers to
// those vertices.
// these values can be used, but should not be *modified* outside of graph.c.
// they are read-only!
struct graph {
int n, maxn;
Vertex** vertices;
// a vertex has a label and a pointer to the first edge in its adjacency list.
// these values can be used, but should not be *modified* outside of graph.c.
// they are read-only!
struct vertex {
char* label;
Edge* first_edge;
// an edge knows the IDs of its two incident vertices; from u, to v
// each edge also knows its weight, and points to the next edge in a list of
// edges from the same vertex (or to NULL if it's the last edge in the list).
// these values can be used, but should not be *modified* outside of graph.c.
// they are read-only!
struct edge {
int u, v;
int weight;
Edge* next_edge;
// create a new, empty graph, with space for a maximum of n vertices
Graph* new_graph(int n);
// destroy a graph, its vertices, and their edges
void free_graph(Graph* graph);
// add a new vertex with label 'name' to a graph
void graph_add_vertex(Graph* graph, const char* name);
// add an undirected edge between u and v with weight w to graph
void graph_add_u_edge(Graph* graph, int u, int v, int w);
// add a directed edge from u to v with weight w to a graph
void graph_add_d_edge(Graph* graph, int u, int v, int w);
コードにリンクを投稿するのではなく、ここにコードを投稿してください。それは一般的な礼儀です。 – AntonH
@AntonHコードをフォーマットし、上記のように更新しました。不便をおかけして申し訳ありません。 –