2017-02-21 15 views




public class VirtualJoystick : MonoBehaviour, IDragHandler, IPointerUpHandler,IPointerDownHandler { 

private Image bgImg; 
private Image JoyStickImage; 
private Vector3 InputVector; 

private void Start(){ 
    bgImg = GetComponent<Image>(); 
    JoyStickImage = transform.GetChild (0).GetComponent<Image>(); 


public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData ped){ 
    Vector2 pos; 
    if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle (bgImg.rectTransform, ped.position, ped.pressEventCamera, out pos)) { 
     pos.x = (pos.x/bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x); 
     pos.y = (pos.y/bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y); 

     InputVector = new Vector3 (pos.x * 2 + 1, 0, pos.y * 2 - 1); 
     InputVector = (InputVector.magnitude > 1) ? InputVector.normalized : InputVector; 

     JoyStickImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3 (InputVector.x * (bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.x/2.5f), 
                    InputVector.z * (bgImg.rectTransform.sizeDelta.y/2.5f)); 


public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData ped){ 

    OnDrag (ped); 

public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData ped){ 

    InputVector = Vector3.zero; 
    JoyStickImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = Vector3.zero; 

public float Horizontal(){ 

    if (InputVector.x != 0) { 
     return InputVector.x; 
    } else { 

     return Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal"); 

public float Vertical(){ 

    if (InputVector.z != 0) 
     return InputVector.z; 
     return Input.GetAxis ("Vertical"); 



public class SwipeCam : MonoBehaviour { 

private Vector3 firstPoint; 
private Vector3 secondPoint; 
private float xAngle = 0.0f; 
private float yAngle = 0.0f; 
private float xAngleTemp = 0.0f; 
private float yAngleTemp = 0.0f; 

void Start(){ 
    xAngle = 0.0f; 
    yAngle = 0.0f; 
    this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (yAngle, xAngle, 0.0f); 


void Update(){ 

    if (Input.touchCount > 0) { 

     for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++) { 

      Touch touch = Input.GetTouch (i); 

      if (touch.position.x > Screen.width/2) { 

       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { 

        firstPoint = Input.GetTouch (0).position; 
        xAngleTemp = xAngle; 
        yAngleTemp = yAngle; 
       if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { 
        secondPoint = Input.GetTouch (0).position; 

        xAngle = xAngleTemp + (secondPoint.x - firstPoint.x) * 180.0f/Screen.width; 
        yAngle = yAngleTemp + (secondPoint.y - firstPoint.y) * 180.0f/-Screen.height; 

        yAngle = Mathf.Clamp (yAngle, -30f, 30f); 

        this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (yAngle, xAngle, 0.0f); 
        this.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<FPScontroller>().transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (0.0f, xAngle, 0.0f); 
        //this.gameObject.GetComponentInParent<FPScontroller>().transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward,Vector3.up); 





public class FPScontroller : MonoBehaviour { 

// Should this script respond to input? 
public bool canControl = true; 
public GameObject lookObj; //This is root object that containc MainCamera, Weapons etc. 
public GameObject joystick; 
bool useFixedUpdate = false; 

//Check when run, walk or when can run or not 
public bool Running ; 
public bool Walking; 
public bool canRun; 
public Vector3 rorationDir; 

//Ladder variables 
private GameObject mainCamera = null; 
public bool onLadder = false; 
//private float ladderHopSpeed = 6.0f; 

// For the next variables, @System.NonSerialized tells Unity to not serialize the variable or show it in the inspector view. 
// Very handy for organization! 

// The current global direction we want the character to move in. 
public Vector3 inputMoveDirection = Vector3.zero; 

// Is the jump button held down? We use this interface instead of checking 
// for the jump button directly so this script can also be used by AIs. 
public bool inputJump = false; 

public bool inputRun = false; 

public bool inputCrouch = false; 

public bool inputProne = false; 

public class FPScontrollerMovement { 
    // The maximum horizontal speed when moving 
    public float maxForwardSpeed = 10.0f; 
    public float maxSidewaysSpeed = 10.0f; 
    public float maxBackwardsSpeed = 10.0f; 

    //Run and walk variables 
    public float WalkSpeed = 6.0f; 
    public float RunSpeed = 9.0f; 
    public bool canCrouch = true; 
    public float CrouchSpeed = 3.0f; 
    public float crouchHeight = 1.5f; 
    public float crouchSmooth = 8; 
    public bool canProne = true; 
    public float ProneSpeed = 1.5f; 
    public float proneHeight = 0.7f; 

    // Curve for multiplying speed based on slope (negative = downwards) 
    public AnimationCurve slopeSpeedMultiplier = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-90, 1), new Keyframe(0, 1), new Keyframe(90, 0)); 

    // How fast does the character change speeds? Higher is faster. 
    public float maxGroundAcceleration = 30.0f; 
    public float maxAirAcceleration = 20.0f; 

    // The gravity for the character 
    public float gravity = 10.0f; 
    public float maxFallSpeed = 20.0f; 

    public bool enableGravity = true; 

    // For the next variables, @System.NonSerialized tells Unity to not serialize the variable or show it in the inspector view. 
    // Very handy for organization! 

    // The last collision flags returned from controller.Move 
    public CollisionFlags collisionFlags; 

    // We will keep track of the character's current velocity, 
    public Vector3 velocity; 

    // This keeps track of our current velocity while we're not grounded 
    public Vector3 frameVelocity = Vector3.zero; 

    public Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.zero; 

    public Vector3 lastHitPoint = new Vector3(Mathf.Infinity, 0, 0); 
public FPScontrollerMovement movement = new FPScontrollerMovement(); 

    void Awake() { 
    if (GetComponent<NetworkView>().isMine) { 

    joystick = GameObject.Find ("Joystick"); 
    controller = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterController>(); 
    standartHeight = controller.height; 
    /*if(GameObject.FindWithTag("LookObject") != null){ 
     lookObj = GameObject.FindWithTag("LookObject"); 
    centerY = controller.center.y; 
    tr = transform; 

    canRun = true; 
    canStand = true; 


    void Update() { 
    if (GetComponent<NetworkView>().isMine) { 
     if (!useFixedUpdate) { 

     movement.velocity.x = joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick>().Horizontal() * 5f; 
     movement.velocity.z = joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick>().Vertical() * 5f; 

     //Run input 
     if (Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") > 0.1f && inputRun && canRun && !onLadder && Walking) { 
      if (canStand && canStandCrouch) { 
     } else { 

     //Check when walk or not 
     if ((movement.velocity.x > 0.01f || movement.velocity.z > 0.01f) || (movement.velocity.x < -0.01f || movement.velocity.z < -0.01f)) { 
      Debug.Log ("Forward"); 
      Walking = true; 
     }else if (movement.velocity.x > 0.01f) { 
      Walking = true; 
      Debug.Log ("Right"); 
     } else if (movement.velocity.x < -0.01f) { 
      Walking = true; 
      Debug.Log ("Left"); 
     } else { 
      Walking = false; 

     if (!canControl) 

     if (movement.canCrouch) { 
      if (!onLadder) {  

     if (movement.canProne) { 
      if (!onLadder) {  

     if (onLadder) { 
      grounded = false; 
      crouch = false; 
      prone = false; 

     if (!crouch && !prone && controller.height < standartHeight - 0.01f) { 
      controller.height = Mathf.Lerp (controller.height, standartHeight, Time.deltaTime/movement.crouchSmooth); 
      controller.center = new Vector3 (controller.center.x, Mathf.Lerp (controller.center.y, centerY, Time.deltaTime/movement.crouchSmooth), controller.center.z); 
      lookObj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (lookObj.transform.localPosition.x, Mathf.Lerp (lookObj.transform.localPosition.y, standartHeight, Time.deltaTime/movement.crouchSmooth), lookObj.transform.localPosition.z); 

void RunAnimation(){ 
    GetComponent<NetworkView>().RPC ("SysnAnimation", RPCMode.All, 0); 
void RunAnimation1(){ 
    GetComponent<NetworkView>().RPC ("SysnAnimation", RPCMode.All, 1); 
void RunAnimation2(){ 
    GetComponent<NetworkView>().RPC ("SysnAnimation", RPCMode.All, 2); 

void SysnAnimation(int index){ 
    if (index == 0) { 
     GetComponent<Animator>().Play ("Idle Aim"); 
    } else if (index == 1) { 
     GetComponent<Animator>().Play ("Walk Aiming"); 
    } else if (index == 2) { 
     GetComponent<Animator>().Play ("Jump"); 

void OnRunning(){ 
    Debug.Log ("Run"); 
    Running = true; 
    movement.maxForwardSpeed = movement.RunSpeed; 
    movement.maxSidewaysSpeed = movement.RunSpeed; 
    //Make bigger extra height when player run to increase jump distance 
    jumping.extraHeight = jumping.baseHeight + 0.15f; 

void OffRunning(){ 
    Running = false; 
    if(crouch || prone) 
    movement.maxForwardSpeed = movement.WalkSpeed; 
    movement.maxSidewaysSpeed = movement.WalkSpeed; 
    movement.maxBackwardsSpeed = movement.WalkSpeed/2; 
    //Change extraheight value to default when player walk 
    jumping.extraHeight = jumping.baseHeight; 





  • はコード形式で前方

Y により、右Xにより入力XとY

  • 移動プレーヤーを取得し、これは次のようになります:

    //returns the world-space direction that player wants to move 
    Vector3 GetDesiredMovement(float inputForward, float inputRight) { 
        //get a vector pointing to player's right 
        Vector3 dirRight = Camera.main.transform.right; 
        dirRight.y = 0f; 
        //get a vector pointing to player's front 
        Vector3 dirForward = Camera.main.transform.forward; 
        dirForward.y = 0f; 
        //calculate desired movement based on input 
        Vector3 desiredMovement = (dirForward * inputForward) + (dirRight * inputRight); 
        return desiredMovement; 


    Vector3 dirRight = Camera.main.transform.right; 
    Vector3 dirForward = Camera.main.transform.forward; 
  • +0

    回答ありがとうございますが、私のプレイヤースクリプトにはこのタイプコードのようなものはありません。 –


    @DarshanSoniあなたのプロジェクトのどこかに、ジョイスティックの入力を読み取ってプレーヤーの動きを引き起こすコードがいくつか存在する必要があります。それはあなたが微調整する必要があるコードです。 – rutter


    私の更新を確認する私のプレーヤーのスクリプトをアップロードし、更新機能にのみあります。私はプレイプレーヤーのアニメーション用のジョイスティック入力を読みます。 –





    movement.velocity.x = joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick>().Horizontal() * 5f; 
        movement.velocity.z = joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick>().Vertical() * 5f;` 


    Vector3 DirectionVector = 
          new Vector3 (joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick>().Horizontal(), 0f, joystick.GetComponent<VirtualJoystick>().Vertical()); 
         movement.velocity = transform.rotation * DirectionVector * 10f; 


    プレイヤーの回転とカメラが直面しているときに、プレーヤーが移動します。 ありがとうございました。