2016-07-06 9 views


float moveSpeed = 3f; 
float rotationSpeed = 3f; 
float attackThreshold = 3f; //distance within which to attack 
float chaseThreshold = 10f; //distance within which to start chasing 
float giveUpThreshold = 20f; //distance beyond which AI gives up 
float attackRepeatTime = 1f; //time between attacks 
bool attacking = false; 
bool chasing = false; 
float attackTime; 
Transform target;    //the enemy's target 
Transform myTransform;  //current transform data of the enemy 

void Update() 
    //rotate to look at the player 
    float distance = (target.position - myTransform.position).magnitude; 
    if (chasing) 
     myTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(myTransform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(target.position - myTransform.position), rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); 

    //move towards the player 
    if (chasing == true && attacking == false) 
     myTransform.position += myTransform.forward * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; 

    //give up if too far away 
    if (distance >= giveUpThreshold) 
     chasing = false; 
    // attacking = false; 

    //attack, if close enough, and if time is OK 
    if (distance <= attackThreshold && Time.time >= attackTime) //if attacking we want to stop moving 
     //attack here 
     attackTime = Time.time + attackRepeatTime; 
     attacking = true; 
     // anim.SetTrigger("AutoAttack"); 
     chasing = false; 
     //not currently chasing. 
     //start chasing if target comes close enough 
     if (distance <= chaseThreshold) //if he gets to chase, and then you move out of range again, he won't chase again. he will only attack if comes into range again 
      chasing = true; 
      // attacking = false; 
      // print("Chasing!"); 




声明if (chasing == true && attacking == false)は、両方の追跡が真でなければならないことを意味し、偽でなければならない攻撃が、それは最初に攻撃した後、falseに設定されます決して攻撃しない(あなたはattacking = false行のすべてをコメントアウトしました)。


私は何かを追加せずに有効にすることはできません。なぜなら、敵はスレッシュホールドの後でも追跡を続けるからです。 さらに追加しました if(distance> = chaseThreshold && distance <= giveUpThreshold) { attacking = false; }、次いでコメントアウト 場合(距離> = giveUpThreshold) {追跡= FALSE; attacking = false; } 私はまだどこかでそれを見逃していますが、私はそれを見つけることができません –
