2016-12-18 3 views

Clojureツールボックスで最も慣用的なツールの1つであるswap!の機能は、instance?のチェックを行います。多態性(プロトコル)を優先するために、タイプチェックの前後で条件文を実装しないようにプログラミングで言われています。 ClojureScriptは、原子に対して直接ISwapプロトコルを実装しておらず、その代わりに公開されているswap! apiが、その対象がアトムであるかどうかを確認した後でのみプロトコルに戻ることは奇妙に思えます。なぜClojureScriptの原子は完全なプロトコルを実装していないのですか?



(defn swap! 
    "Atomically swaps the value of atom to be: 
    (apply f current-value-of-atom args). Note that f may be called 
    multiple times, and thus should be free of side effects. Returns 
    the value that was swapped in." 
    ([a f] 
    (if (instance? Atom a) 
     (reset! a (f (.-state a))) 
     (-swap! a f))) 
    ([a f x] 
    (if (instance? Atom a) 
     (reset! a (f (.-state a) x)) 
     (-swap! a f x))) 
    ([a f x y] 
    (if (instance? Atom a) 
     (reset! a (f (.-state a) x y)) 
     (-swap! a f x y))) 
    ([a f x y & more] 
    (if (instance? Atom a) 
     (reset! a (apply f (.-state a) x y more)) 
     (-swap! a f x y more)))) 





はjsperfここを参照してください - http://jsperf.com/iatom-adv




diff --git a/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs b/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs 
index 9fed929..c6e41ab 100644 
--- a/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs 
+++ b/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs 
@@ -7039,6 +7039,9 @@ reduces them without incurring seq initialization" 

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Reference Types ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 

+(defprotocol IAtom 
+ (-reset! [o new-value])) 
(deftype Atom [state meta validator watches] 
    (-equiv [o other] (identical? o other)) 
@@ -7088,14 +7091,16 @@ reduces them without incurring seq initialization" 
    "Sets the value of atom to newval without regard for the 
    current value. Returns newval." 
    [a new-value] 
+ (if (instance? Atom a) 
    (let [validate (.-validator a)] 
     (when-not (nil? validate) 
-  (assert (validate new-value) "Validator rejected reference state"))) 
+  (assert (validate new-value) "Validator rejected reference state")) 
     (let [old-value (.-state a)] 
     (set! (.-state a) new-value) 
     (when-not (nil? (.-watches a)) 
-  (-notify-watches a old-value new-value))) 
- new-value) 
+   (-notify-watches a old-value new-value)) 
+  new-value)) 
+ (-reset! a new-value))) 

(defn swap! 
    "Atomically swaps the value of atom to be: 


commit 3e6564a72dc5e175fc65c9767364d05af34e4968 
Author: David Nolen <[email protected]> 
Date: Mon Feb 17 14:46:10 2014 -0500 

    CLJS-760: break apart IAtom protocol into IReset & ISwap 

diff --git a/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs b/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs 
index 25858084..e4df4420 100644 
--- a/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs 
+++ b/src/cljs/cljs/core.cljs 
@@ -7061,9 +7061,12 @@ reduces them without incurring seq initialization" 

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Reference Types ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 

-(defprotocol IAtom 
+(defprotocol IReset 
    (-reset! [o new-value])) 

+(defprotocol ISwap 
+ (-swap! [o f] [o f a] [o f a b] [o f a b xs])) 
(deftype Atom [state meta validator watches] 
    (-equiv [o other] (identical? o other)) 
@@ -7124,21 +7127,33 @@ reduces them without incurring seq initialization" 
    (-reset! a new-value))) 

+;; generic to all refs 
+;; (but currently hard-coded to atom!) 
+(defn deref 
+ [o] 
+ (-deref o)) 
(defn swap! 
    "Atomically swaps the value of atom to be: 
    (apply f current-value-of-atom args). Note that f may be called 
    multiple times, and thus should be free of side effects. Returns 
    the value that was swapped in." 
    ([a f] 
-  (reset! a (f (.-state a)))) 
+  (if (instance? Atom a) 
+  (reset! a (f (.-state a))) 
+  (-swap! a (deref a)))) 
    ([a f x] 
-  (reset! a (f (.-state a) x))) 
+  (if (instance? Atom a) 
+  (reset! a (f (.-state a) x)) 
+  (-swap! a (f (deref a) x)))) 
    ([a f x y] 
-  (reset! a (f (.-state a) x y))) 
- ([a f x y z] 
-  (reset! a (f (.-state a) x y z))) 
- ([a f x y z & more] 
-  (reset! a (apply f (.-state a) x y z more)))) 
+  (if (instance? Atom a) 
+  (reset! a (f (.-state a) x y)) 
+  (-swap! a (f (deref a) x y)))) 
+ ([a f x y & more] 
+  (if (instance? Atom a) 
+  (reset! a (apply f (.-state a) x y more)) 
+  (-swap! a (f (deref a) x y more))))) 

(defn compare-and-set! 
    "Atomically sets the value of atom to newval if and only if the 
@@ -7149,13 +7164,6 @@ reduces them without incurring seq initialization" 
    (do (reset! a newval) true) 

-;; generic to all refs 
-;; (but currently hard-coded to atom!) 
-(defn deref 
- [o] 
- (-deref o)) 
(defn set-validator! 
    "Sets the validator-fn for an atom. validator-fn must be nil or a 
    side-effect-free fn of one argument, which will be passed the intended 

それはチケットがデュアル性格であることを助けていません。 "、または"リセットを使用する他のものが十分に速く実行されていない ")と設計上の問題("私たちはIAtomプロトコルが必要です ")。問題は、他の実装が検証に苦しんで、実際に原子ではないにもかかわらずウォッチャーのコストを通知しなければならないということでした。私はそれがはっきりしたことを望む。

