class DictionaryMapper : ISourceToDestinationNameMapper {
public Dictionary<string, string> Map { get; set; }
public MemberInfo GetMatchingMemberInfo(IGetTypeInfoMembers getTypeInfoMembers, TypeDetails typeInfo, Type destType, Type destMemberType, string nameToSearch) {
if (Map == null || !Map.ContainsKey(nameToSearch))
return null;
// map properties using Map dictionary
return typeInfo.DestinationMemberNames
.Where(c => c.Member.Name == Map[nameToSearch])
.Select(c => c.Member)
var langMappings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// note that it's better to use two dictionaries - one for type names
// and another for properties
langMappings.Add("Afdeling", "Department");
langMappings.Add("TypeKode", "TypeCode");
langMappings.Add("Werkenemers", "Employees");
langMappings.Add("Persoon", "Person");
// create reverse map
foreach (var kv in langMappings.ToArray())
langMappings.Add(kv.Value, kv.Key);
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
// this will allow mapping type with name from dictionary key above
// to another type indicated with name indicated by value
// so, Afdeling to Department
cfg.AddConditionalObjectMapper().Where((s, d) => langMappings.ContainsKey(s.Name) && langMappings[s.Name] == d.Name);
// this is default automapper configuration,
// see http://docs.automapper.org/en/stable/Conventions.html
.AddName<PrePostfixName>(_ => _.AddStrings(p => p.Prefixes, "Get"))
// and this one is our custom one
.AddName<DictionaryMapper>(_ => _.Map = langMappings);
var mapper = config.CreateMapper();
var result = mapper.Map<Afdeling, Department>(new Afdeling
Id = 1,
TypeKode = "code",
Werkenemers = new[] {
new Persoon() {Id = 2}
2017-12-08 15:14:06
あなたが何を意味するかは非常に明確ではありません。これらのクラスの_properties_を自動的にマップしたいのですが、これらのプロパティの言語が異なるとしますか? – Evk
私の例では展開されています。それは今より意味があるのですか? –