<!-- The image showing korean -->
<img id="Koebtn" src="images/SP2.jpg">
<!-- The Code to translate -->
<script src="http://www.microsoftTranslator.com/ajax/v3/WidgetV3.ashx?siteData=ueOIGRSKkd965FeEGM5JtQ**" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
if (document.readyState == 'complete') {
Microsoft.Translator.Widget.Translate('en', 'es', onProgress, onError, onComplete, onRestoreOriginal, 60000);
//You can use Microsoft.Translator.Widget.GetLanguagesForTranslate to map the language code with the language name
function onProgress(value) {
document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = Math.round(value);
function onError(error) {
alert("Translation Error: " + error);
function onComplete() {
document.getElementById('counter').style.color = 'green';
//fires when the user clicks on the exit box of the floating widget
function onRestoreOriginal() {
alert("The page was reverted to the original language. This message is not part of the widget.");
これまで行っていることはありますか? – mehulmpt
私はページにbing変換ウィジェットを入れましたが、これは本当に好きなものではありません... – Josh