2016-10-07 4 views

AppleScriptを使用してMac Mailで電子メールメッセージからデータを収集し、このデータを「do shell script」を使用してsqlite3データベースに書きたいとします。問題は、私が書きたいものの1つは、メッセージ本文からのデータであり、sqlite3にデータを渡すプロセスを邪魔する可能性があるあらゆる種類の特殊文字を含むことができるということです。AppleScriptからsqlite3用の文字列をエスケープする





on sqlite_quote(subject) 
    set OLD_TID to AppleScript's text item delimiters 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "\\'" 
     set subject to subject's quoted form's text items 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" 
     set subject to subject as string 

     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to OLD_TID 
    on error error_message number error_number from error_source partial result error_result to error_class 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to OLD_TID 

     error error_message number error_number from error_source partial result error_result to error_class 
    end try 

end sqlite_quote 
on sqlite_quotes(subjects) 
    set subjects to {} & subjects 
    repeat with subject in subjects 
     set subject's contents to sqlite_quote(subject) 
    end repeat 
end sqlite_quotes 
on sqlite_fields_quote(sources) 
    my list2string(",", sqlite_quotes(sources)) 
end sqlite_fields_quote 

on sqlite_stmnt_create_table_ifnexists(table, columns) 
    "create table if not exists " & sqlite_quote(table) & "(" & sqlite_fields_quote(columns) & ")" 
end sqlite_stmnt_create_table_ifnexists 
on sqlite_stmnt_drop_table_ifexists(table) 
    "drop table if exists " & sqlite_quote(table) 
end sqlite_stmnt_drop_table_ifexists 
on sqlite_stmnt_insert_into(table, values) 
    "insert into " & sqlite_quote(table) & " values(" & sqlite_fields_quote(values) & ")" 
end sqlite_stmnt_insert_into 

on list2string(delimiter, source) -- general utility 
     set {|applescript's text item delimiters|, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, delimiter} 
     set |result| to source as string 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to |applescript's text item delimiters| 
    on error error_message number error_number from error_source partial result error_result to error_class 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to |applescript's text item delimiters| 
     error error_message number error_number from error_source partial result error_result to error_class 
    end try 
end list2string 

property executable : "sqlite3" 
property db_path : "/tmp/test.sqlite" 

on run argv 
    set {table, values} to {"table", {"example with CRLF: " & («data TEXT0D0A» as text) & " using applescript's TIDs on this string's quoted form"}} -- example 

    set {stmnts, test_ins, test_drp, debug} to {{}, true, false, false} 

    if test_drp then set stmnts's end to sqlite_stmnt_drop_table_ifexists(table) 
    if test_ins then set stmnts's end to sqlite_stmnt_create_table_ifnexists(table, "text") 

    set stmnts's end to sqlite_stmnt_insert_into(table, values) 

    if test_ins then set stmnts's end to "select * from " & sqlite_quote(table) 

    set |script| to executable & space & db_path's quoted form & space & my list2string(";", stmnts)'s quoted form 

    if debug then set |script| to "echo >&2 " & |script|'s quoted form & ";" & |script| & "|xxd" 

    do shell script |script| 
end run 