2017-01-10 32 views




library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

entity topentity is 

     DATA_WIDTH : natural := 8 


     clk   : in std_logic; 
     enable  : in std_logic; 
     final_out : out std_logic_vector(2*(DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0) 

end entity ; 

architecture top of topentity is 

signal A,B : std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 

component basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps is 

     DATA_WIDTH : natural := 8 


     clk   : in std_logic; 
     enable  : in std_logic; 
     sr_one  : in std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 
     sr_two  : in std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 
     sr_out  : out std_logic_vector(2*(DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0) 
end component; 


A <= "01010101"; 
B <= "10101010"; 

as: basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps port map (clk,enable,A,B, final_out(2*(DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0)); 

end top; 

--- ----------------コンポーネント-----------------

library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

entity basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps is 

     DATA_WIDTH : natural := 8 


     clk   : in std_logic; 
     enable  : in std_logic; 
     sr_one  : in std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 
     sr_two  : in std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 
     sr_out  : out std_logic_vector(2*(DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0) 

end entity ; 

architecture rtl of basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps is 

    signal sig_out :std_logic_vector(2*(DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 
    variable count : integer := 0; 
    variable count1 : integer := 0; 


    process (clk,enable,sr_one,sr_two,sig_out) 


     if(enable = '0' or count = 16) then 
      count := 0; 
      count1 := 0; 
      if (clk'event and clk='1') then 
       sig_out(count) <= sr_one(count1); 

       count := count + 1; 

      else --if (clk'event and clk='0') then-- 
       sig_out(count) <= sr_two(count1); 
       count := count + 1; 

      end if; 

     end if; 

     count1 := count1 + 1; 

    end process; 

    sr_out <= sig_out; 

end rtl; 


Info: Running Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis Info: Version 
    16.1.1 Build 200 11/30/2016 SJ Lite Edition Info: Processing started: Tue Jan 10 11:44:53 2017 Info: Command: quartus_map 
    --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off teste -c teste Warning (18236): Number of processors has not been specified which 
    may cause overloading on shared machines. Set the global assignment 
    NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best 
    performance. Info (20030): Parallel compilation is enabled and will 
    use 2 of the 2 processors detected Info (12021): Found 2 design 
    units, including 1 entities, in source file vhdl1.vhd Info (12022): 
    Found design unit 1: basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps-rtl 
    Info (12023): Found entity 1: 
    basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps Info (12021): Found 2 design 
    units, including 1 entities, in source file teste.vhd Info (12022): 
    Found design unit 1: topentity-top Info (12023): Found entity 1: 
    topentity Info (12127): Elaborating entity "topentity" for the top 
    level hierarchy Info (12128): Elaborating entity 
    "basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps" for hierarchy 
    "basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps:as" Error (10818): Can't 
    infer register for "sig_out[0]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) because it does not 
    hold its value outside the clock edge Info (10041): Inferred latch 
    for "sig_out[0]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error (10818): Can't infer register 
    for "sig_out[1]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) because it does not hold its value 
    outside the clock edge Info (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[1]" 
    at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[2]" 
    at Vhdl1.vhd(41) because it does not hold its value outside the clock 
    edge Info (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[2]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) 
    Error (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[3]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[3]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[4]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[4]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[5]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[5]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[6]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[6]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[7]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[7]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[8]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[8]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[9]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[9]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[10]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[10]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[11]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[11]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[12]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[12]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[13]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[13]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "sig_out[14]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) 
    because it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "sig_out[14]" at Vhdl1.vhd(33) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[0]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[1]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[2]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[3]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[4]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[5]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[6]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[7]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[8]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[9]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[10]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[11]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[12]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[13]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[14]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[15]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[16]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[17]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[18]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[19]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[20]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[21]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[22]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[23]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[24]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[25]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[26]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[27]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[28]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[29]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[30]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Info 
    (10041): Inferred latch for "count1[31]" at Vhdl1.vhd(37) Error 
    (10818): Can't infer register for "count[0]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) because 
    it does not hold its value outside the clock edge Error (10818): 
    Can't infer register for "count[1]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) because it does 
    not hold its value outside the clock edge Error (10818): Can't infer 
    register for "count[2]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) because it does not hold its 
    value outside the clock edge Error (10818): Can't infer register for 
    "count[3]" at Vhdl1.vhd(41) because it does not hold its value 
    outside the clock edge Error (12152): Can't elaborate user hierarchy 
    "basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps:as" Error: Quartus Prime 
    Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 20 errors, 1 warning Error: 
    Peak virtual memory: 726 megabytes Error: Processing ended: Tue Jan 
    10 11:45:11 2017  Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:18 Error: Total CPU 
    time (on all processors): 00:00:41 



私は、レジスタの2セットを記述することをお勧め、 1つは立ち上がりエッジで動作し、もう1つは立ち下がりエッジで動作し、clkのレベルに基づいてレジスタを出力に多重化します。なぜcount1変数が必要なのかわからなかったので、削除しました。最後に、リセットを非同期にする必要がない限り、非同期リセットを避けることをお勧めします。 次のコードだけをコンパイルしました。機能的なシミュレーションは実行されていませんでした。したがって、コードが実際に実行したいことがあれば、私は気にしません。しかし、さらなるコミュニティ討議の出発点になるかもしれない。

library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

entity basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps is 
     DATA_WIDTH : natural := 8 

     clk   : in std_logic; 
     enable  : in std_logic; 
     sr_one  : in std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 
     sr_two  : in std_logic_vector((DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 
     sr_out  : out std_logic_vector(2*(DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0) 
end entity ; 

architecture rtl of basic_shift_register_with_multiple_taps is 
    signal sig_out_one :std_logic_vector(2*(DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 
    signal sig_out_two :std_logic_vector(2*(DATA_WIDTH-1) downto 0); 
    process (clk) 
     variable count : integer := 0; 
     if (clk'event and clk='1') then 
      if enable = '0' then 
       count := 0; 
       sig_out_one(2*count) <= sr_one(count); 

       if count<sr_one'high then 
        count := count + 1; 
        count := 0; 
       end if; 
      end if; 
     end if; 
    end process; 

    process (clk) 
     variable count : integer := 0; 
     if (clk'event and clk='0') then 
      if enable = '0' then 
       count := 0; 
       sig_out_two(2*count+1) <= sr_two(count); 

       if count<sr_two'high then 
        count := count + 1; 
        count := 0; 
       end if; 
      end if; 
     end if; 
    end process; 

    with clk select 
     sr_out <= sig_out_one when '1', 
        sig_out_two when others; 

end rtl; 