2016-10-25 9 views

Spark私は、集約とライブラリを提供するはずのライブラリを使用しています。その後、一連の結合/ groupbyを実行し、集約を最後に呼び出します。私はカプセル化違反を避けようとしていますが(必要であれば可能ですが)、このメソッドを集計します(通常は合計または最小など)。sparkデータフレームのモード(最も一般的な要素)の集計





package org.anish.spark.mostcommonvalue 

import org.apache.spark.sql.Row 
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.{MutableAggregationBuffer, UserDefinedAggregateFunction} 
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ 

import scalaz.Scalaz._ 

    * Spark User Defined Aggregate Function to calculate the most frequent value in a column. This is similar to 
    * Statistical Mode. When there are two random values, this function selects any one. When calculating mode, both 
    * these values together is considered as mode. 
    * Usage: 
    * DataFrame/DataSet DSL 
    * val mostCommonValue = new MostCommonValue 
    * df.groupBy("group_id").agg(mostCommonValue(col("mode_column")), mostCommonValue(col("city"))) 
    * Spark SQL: 
    * sqlContext.udf.register("mode", new MostCommonValue) 
    * %sql 
    * -- Use a group_by statement and call the UDAF. 
    * select group_id, mode(id) from table group by group_id 
    * Reference: https://docs.databricks.com/spark/latest/spark-sql/udaf-scala.html 
    * Created by anish on 26/05/17. 
class MostCommonValue extends UserDefinedAggregateFunction { 

    // This is the input fields for your aggregate function. 
    // We use StringType, because Mode can also be meaningfully applied on nominal data 
    override def inputSchema: StructType = 
    StructType(StructField("value", StringType) :: Nil) 

    // This is the internal fields you keep for computing your aggregate. 
    // We store the frequency of all the distinct element we encounter for the given attribute in this HashMap 
    override def bufferSchema: StructType = StructType(
    StructField("frequencyMap", DataTypes.createMapType(StringType, LongType)) :: Nil 

    // This is the output type of your aggregation function. 
    override def dataType: DataType = StringType 

    override def deterministic: Boolean = true 

    // This is the initial value for the buffer schema. 
    override def initialize(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer): Unit = { 
    buffer(0) = Map[String, Long]() 

    // This is how to update your buffer schema given an input. 
    override def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row): Unit = { 
    buffer(0) = buffer.getAs[Map[String, Long]](0) |+| Map(input.getAs[String](0) -> 1L) 

    // This is how you merge two objects with the bufferSchema type. 
    override def merge(buffer1: MutableAggregationBuffer, buffer2: Row): Unit = { 
    buffer1(0) = buffer1.getAs[Map[String, Long]](0) |+| buffer2.getAs[Map[String, Long]](0) 

    // This is where you output the final value, given the final value of your bufferSchema. 
    override def evaluate(buffer: Row): String = { 
    buffer.getAs[Map[String, Long]](0).maxBy(_._2)._1 

クレジット/ソース: https://gist.github.com/anish749/6a815ed281f538068a0d3a20ca9044fa
