2012-05-01 7 views


<?php define ('CONFIG_SYSTEM_URL','http://www.mydomain.tk/'); 



header('Content-type: application/xml'); 

$rss = new UniversalFeedCreator(); 
$rss->title = "daily news feed"; 
$rss->description = 'this feed is from me'; 
$rss->link = CONFIG_SYSTEM_URL; 
$rss->syndicationURL = CONFIG_SYSTEM_URL.'feed.php'; 

$articles=new itemList(); 
foreach ($articles as $i) { 
    $item = new FeedItem(); 
    $item->title = sprintf('%s',$i->title); 
    $item->link = CONFIG_SYSTEM_URL.'item.php?id='.$i->dbId; 
    $item->description = $i->Subject; 
    $item->date = $i->ModifyDate; 
    $item->source = CONFIG_SYSTEM_URL; 
    $item->author = $i->User; 

print $rss->createFeed($feedformat); 



<title>Other page works with icon but rss wont</title> 
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/myicon.ico"> 



可能性のある複製http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8782782/how-can-i-get-an-icon-for-my-rss-feed –


こんにちはsteve、投稿する前に、私はすでにfaviconを試しました.icoものだが、解決策ではないようだ。私はルートディレクトリに私のfavico.icoを持っています。 –




<image> sub-element of <channel> 

<image> is an optional sub-element of <channel>, which contains three required and three optional sub-elements. 

<url> is the URL of a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that represents the channel. 

<title> describes the image, it's used in the ALT attribute of the HTML <img> tag when the channel is rendered in HTML. 

<link> is the URL of the site, when the channel is rendered, the image is a link to the site. (Note, in practice the image <title> and <link> should have the same value as the channel's <title> and <link>. 

Optional elements include <width> and <height>, numbers, indicating the width and height of the image in pixels. <description> contains text that is included in the TITLE attribute of the link formed around the image in the HTML rendering. 

Maximum value for width is 144, default value is 88. 

Maximum value for height is 400, default value is 31. 

    <description>Snook.ca features tips, tricks, and bookmarks on web development</description> 



こんにちはAmit、提案をいただきありがとうございます。私はアイコンについてのあなたの質問にあなたを混乱させたと思う。 アイコンの意味は、URLバーに表示されるURLアイコンであり、RSS上の画像は表示されません。私は自分のRSSにイメージ機能を持っていますが、これは含まれていませんが、私が提供するリファレンスのためです。 'code' $ image = new FeedImage(); $ image-> title = '私の個人的なRSSロゴ'; $ image-> url = 'http://www.mydomain.tk/images/mypersonallogo.png'; $ image-> link = "http://www.mydomain.tk"; $ image-> description = 'これは私の個人的なRSSロゴです。 $ image-> width = 20; $ image-> height = 20; $ rss-> image = $ image; 'code' –
