with文を使用してビューを作成する方法は? 私はそれでエラーになっています:with文を使用してビューを作成する
WITH temp as (
select uu.email, u.logintime, u.region, p.id as panelid, p.panelname, p.numberofdownloads, dimensionType + ' (' + dimensionValue + ')' as filter
from stat_users u
left join stat_panels p
on u.id=p.sessionid
left join stat_filters f
on p.id=f.panelid
left join users uu
on uu.id=u.userid
where uu.Organization = 'name' AND
year(logintime) between 2015 and 2017
and panelname is not null
CREATE VIEW final as(
select aa.email, aa.logintime, aa.region, aa.panelname, aa.numberofdownloads as downloads, case when len(aa.filters) > 0 then left(aa.filters, len(aa.filters)-1) else '' end as filters
from (
Select distinct a.email, a.logintime, a.region, a.panelname, a.numberofdownloads,
Select b.filter + ', ' AS [text()]
From temp b
Where b.panelid=a.panelid
ORDER BY b.panelid
For XML PATH ('')
) filters
from temp a
) aa
) 私はこのようなエラーを取得しています:
> Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CREATE'. 'CREATE VIEW' must be the
> first statement in a query batch.
はまた、私はエラーを取得しています: – mondayguy