Mock Connection class for Bucket
class MockConnection():
def __init__(self):
self.provider = 'AWS'
def delete_key(self, param):
Mock Connection class which is called for connecting to s3
class MockS3Connection():
def get_bucket(self, name, validate=False):
return Bucket(MockConnection(), 'bucket')
Mock Key class which also gets the bucket
class MockKey():
def __init__(self, bucket):
self.bucket = bucket
def set_contents_from_string(self, data, headers):
def set_acl(self, read):
Mock the function which connects to S3
def mock_connect_s3():
return MockS3Connection()
class TestUploadResource(BaseResourceTestCase):
Test Document upload
def setUp(self):
super(TestUploadResource, self).setUp()
@mock.patch('boto.connect_s3', new = mock_connect_s3)
@mock.patch("boto.s3.key.Key", MockKey)
def test_file_is_accepted(self):
Test case to check whether file is uploaded
name = raw_input('Document1')+'.pdf'
file = open(name,'rw') # Trying to create a new file or open one
Call the upload docs command with the file which
we want to save
response = self.client.post('some-url')
Check whether the file is going and the response of creation
is coming or not
self.assertEqual(201, response.status_code)