// keep a valid list somewhere
List<string> cValidNames = new List<string>();
// get the host
//string TheHost = Request.Url.Host;
string TheHost = "blog.domain.com";
// find the first part, assume that the domain is standard and not change
int WhereStarts = TheHost.IndexOf(".domain.com");
// if we found it
if(WhereStarts != -1)
string cTheFirstPart = TheHost.Substring(0, WhereStarts);
// if its on the valid domain (exclude the www)
if (cValidNames.Contains(cTheFirstPart))
// now I add in the frond the name and continue with the rest url
string cFinalPath = "/" + cTheFirstPart + Request.RawUrl;
// now rewrite it.
HttpContext.Current.RewritePath(cFinalPath, false);