同じデータを扱うのにbegin tran
とrollback tran
)で動作します。 #AddressToDeleteMasterOfLesserId
begin tran t1
select CustomerAddress.IsPrimaryAddress, p1.[Id that is master],p1.[Id to delete], c2.IsPrimaryAddress
FROM CustomerAddress
join #AddressToDeleteMasterOfLesserId p1 on CustomerAddress.Id=p1.[Id that is master]
join CustomerAddress c2 on p1.[Id to delete]=c2.Id
order by [Id that is master]
--Update primary address
UPDATE CustomerAddress
SET IsPrimaryAddress = CASE WHEN c2.IsPrimaryAddress=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
FROM CustomerAddress
join #AddressToDeleteMasterOfLesserId p1 on CustomerAddress.Id=p1.[Id that is master]
join CustomerAddress c2 on p1.[Id to delete]=c2.Id
select CustomerAddress.IsPrimaryAddress, p1.[Id that is master],p1.[Id to delete], c2.IsPrimaryAddress
FROM CustomerAddress
join #AddressToDeleteMasterOfLesserId p1 on CustomerAddress.Id=p1.[Id that is master]
join CustomerAddress c2 on p1.[Id to delete]=c2.Id
where CustomerAddress.IsPrimaryAddress=0
and c2.IsPrimaryAddress=1
order by [Id that is master]
rollback tran t1
OF COURSE !!!!これは私がもう一度それを見ると完全に意味をなさない。私はこれを回避する方法について別の質問をしますが、代替案を「何もしない」方法があるかどうか知っていますか? –