2017-05-27 5 views


<script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/amcharts.js"></script> 
<script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/serial.js"></script> 
<script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/plugins/export/export.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/themes/light.js"></script> 

* Define universal config 
var chartConfig = { 
    "type": "serial", 
    "theme": "light", 
    "marginRight": 80, 
    "dataProvider": [], 
    "valueAxes": [{ 
    "axisAlpha": 0, 
    "position": "left", 
    "title": "Send count by each mailer " 
    "startDuration": 1, 
    "graphs": [{ 
    "balloonText": "<b>[[category]]: [[value]]</b>", 
    "fillColorsField": "color", 
    "fillAlphas": 0.9, 
    "lineAlpha": 0.2, 
    "type": "column", 
    "customBulletField": "bullet", 
    "bulletOffset": 10, 
    "bulletSize": 52, 
    "valueField": "visits" 
    "chartCursor": { 
    "categoryBalloonEnabled": false, 
    "cursorAlpha": 0, 
    "zoomable": false 
    "categoryField": "country", 
    "categoryAxis": { 
    "gridPosition": "start", 
    "labelRotation": 45 
    "export": { 
    "enabled": true 

* Define function for cloning objects 
* Taken from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/728360/most-elegant-way-to-clone-a-javascript-object 
function clone(obj) { 
    var copy; 

    // Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined 
    if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj; 

    // Handle Date 
    if (obj instanceof Date) { 
    copy = new Date(); 
    return copy; 

    // Handle Array 
    if (obj instanceof Array) { 
    copy = []; 
    for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) { 
     copy[i] = clone(obj[i]); 
    return copy; 

    // Handle Object 
    if (obj instanceof Object) { 
    copy = {}; 
    for (var attr in obj) { 
     if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = clone(obj[attr]); 
    return copy; 

    throw new Error("Unable to copy obj! Its type isn't supported."); 

* Create first chart 

// create a copy of the universal config 
var chartConfig1 = clone(chartConfig); 

// modify a copy of the config 
chartConfig1.dataProvider = [ 
$livemailersend="select t1.emp_id,t2.isp,t2.fname,t2.iurl,sum(t1.sent),sum(t1.opens) from red_global t1, admin_emp t2 where t1.emp_id=t2.emp_id and t1.status_date between '$fromdate' and '$todate' and t1.emp_id in (2010,2015,2016,2020,2022,2023,2025,2027) group by 1,2,3,4 order by 5 desc;"; 
    $color = array("#ccff33", "#ffcc00", "#ff9933","#ff33cc","#0099ff","#00ffcc","#00cc00","#0000cc","#6b616b","#a8a36b","#c5a6ff"); 
    'country': '".$lmailersend[2]."(".round(($lmailersend[5]/$lmailersend[4])*100 , 2) ."%)', 
    'visits': ".$lmailersend[4].", 
    'color': '".$color[$i]."', 
    'bullet': 'img/wxemp/".$lmailersend[3]."' 

// create the chart 
AmCharts.makeChart("chart1", chartConfig1); 

* Create second chart 

// create a copy of the universal config 
var chartConfig2 = clone(chartConfig); 

// modify a copy of the config 
chartConfig2.dataProvider = [ 
$livemailersend="select t1.emp_id,t2.isp,t2.fname,t2.iurl,sum(t1.sent),sum(t1.opens) from red_global t1, admin_emp t2 where t1.emp_id=t2.emp_id and t1.status_date between '2017-05-18' and '2017-05-31' and t1.emp_id in (2010,2015,2016,2020,2022,2023,2025,2027) group by 1,2,3,4 order by 5 desc;"; 
    $color = array("#ccff33", "#ffcc00", "#ff9933","#ff33cc","#0099ff","#00ffcc","#00cc00","#0000cc","#6b616b","#a8a36b","#c5a6ff"); 
    'country': '".$lmailersend[2]."(".round(($lmailersend[5]/$lmailersend[4])*100 , 2) ."%)', 
    'visits': ".$lmailersend[4].", 
    'color': '".$color[$i]."', 
    'bullet': 'img/wxemp/".$lmailersend[3]."' 

// create the chart 
AmCharts.makeChart("chart2", chartConfig2); 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/plugins/export/export.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
$fromdate = date("Y-m-d");; 
$todate = date("Y-m-d");; 
$proteam = "yah"; 
//-----------------------datewise live report-------------------------------------// 
$action =$_POST['action']; 
$fromdatepick =$_POST['fromdatepick']; 
$todatepick =$_POST['todatepick']; 
echo($action. "<br/>".$fromdatepick. "<br/>".$todatepick. "<br/>"); 
?> \t 
<!-- BAR Chart --> 
<div class="col-sm-12"> 
\t <div id="bg-default" class="panel-collapse collapse in"> 
\t \t \t <?php if(($action)!="datewise") 
\t \t \t { 
\t \t \t $where = ("and t1.status_date between '$fromdate' and '$todate'");?> 
\t \t \t \t <div id="chart1" class="chartdiv" style="width \t : 100%; \t height \t : 500px;"></div> 
\t \t \t <?php } else { 
\t \t \t $where = ("and t1.status_date between '$fromdatepick' and '$todatepick'");?> 
\t \t \t <div id="chart2" class="chartdiv" style="width \t : 100%; \t height \t : 500px;"></div> 
      <?php } ?> \t \t \t \t \t 
\t \t \t </div> 




chart.dataProvider = [...]; // Change or replace the array 
chart.validateData(); // Refreshes the chart based on the new data 

See more about validateData here


それは私の作品$ fromdatepickと$ todatepickの静的な値ですが、変数として使用するとグラフが表示されません。 dこのコードを参照してください。https://www.amcharts.com/kbase/reusing-the-same-config-object-for-multiple-charts/ @Darlesson – Puvi


設定を共有する場合は、クライアントサイドの変数から、設定を適用している各チャートのすべてを深くクローンする必要があります。 – Darlesson
