2012-01-19 26 views

次の長いコードを使用して今後の予定をリストします。イベントを表示する日数を10日とし、その10日間に多くのイベントをグループ化します。コードを変更して、各イベントの日付が表示されるのではなく、複数のイベントがある特定の日付のヘッダーが1つだけになるようにしました。しかし、それはまだ私に次の10日間のすべての出来事を与える。次の10日間の多数のイベントのうち、6イベントだけを返す/表示する/出力するように、コードを制限したいと思います。 for ($i=0; $i<$days_to_display; $i++) しかし$days_to_displayビットは、それがトリッキーになり:PHP#をループしてループしますが、出力の数を制限したい場合は




// List View of Coming Events v .9 
// Plug-in for PHPiCalendar 2.0/2.1 
// developed by Johnathon Wright (my initials @ mustmodify.com) 

// Original Publication Date: 2005 10 28 
// Originally Developed for St. Barnabas Episcopal Church website 

// Include this file from your PHP-enabled front page. 
// Do something like this: 
// <?PHP include 'd:/inetpub/.../phpical/event_list.php'; 

// DEFINE the base PHPiCalendar directory below. 
define('BASE', 'c:/inetpub/ouhsd.k12.ca.us/phpicalendar/'); 

// create an actual PHPiCalendar instance 
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=$charset"); 

// at this point, the calendar has been generated and its data 
// is stored in $master_array. Test to ensure that this is working by 
// un-commenting the lines below. 

echo "<pre>"; 
echo "</pre>"; 

// A few settings... 

// days_to_display_default should be a positive integer. 
$days_to_display_default = 14; 

// In Mozilla Sunbird, events can be set to PRIVATE. 
// PHPiCalendar does not display the title or description for 
// these events, but does display the time, if applicable. 
// If you want to hide these events, set $show_private_events to FALSE. 
// Otherwise, it should be TRUE 

$show_private_events = TRUE; 

// day_to_begin should be a text string. See http://www.php.net/strtotime 
// for full documentation. Some values I tested: 
// ------------------------------------------------------- 
// last monday - the most recent Monday. 
// thursday - this gave me the date of the next Wednesday. 
// yesterday - yesterday 
// today - today 
// next week - +2 weeks (How can this be? Don't ask me, it's PHP...) 
// 1 week - a week from today 

$day_to_begin = "today"; 

// Replace with the commented code if you would NOT like 
// users to be able to set this value on their own. 

$days_to_display = $days_to_display_default; 


// this code replaces the above code if you want to prevent 
// users from setting the number of days to display 

$days_to_display = $days_to_display_default; 


// This next section seems terribly inefficient. We calculate the unix 
// timestamp of first-thing-this-morning by finding out the date 
// and then looking up the timestamp for that date... 

// Again, the commented code prevents users from setting their own start date. 

$date_start = date('Ymd', strtotime("now")); 
$timestamp_start = strtotime(dateOfWeek($getdate, $date_start)); 

$date_start = date('Ymd', strtotime("now")); 
$timestamp_start = strtotime(dateOfWeek($getdate, $date_start)); 

// Display the date range for this list 

$timestamp_end = $timestamp_start + ($days_to_display * 24 * 60 * 60); 

// seed the iterator $thisdate with todays timestamp. 
// It will loop through $days_to_display... 

$thisdate = $timestamp_start; 

// Loop through the days, finding events in each day 

for ($i=0; $i<$days_to_display; $i++) 

    $thisday = date("Ymd", $thisdate); 

    if (isset($master_array[$thisday])) 
     echo "<br/>"; 

     foreach($master_array[($thisday)] as $event_start_time => $event_set) 
     foreach ($event_set as $event_id => $event_info) 
      // Where are we? 
      // date is $thisdate 
      // time is $event_start_time 
      // event is $event_id; 

      if (! (($event_info['event_text'] == '**PRIVATE**') && ($show_private_events == FALSE))) 
// event title 
       echo "<li>"; 
       echo "<span class='bold_text'>" . stripslashes(urldecode($event_info['event_text'])) . "</span><br/>"; 

// event time range, if not an all-day event 
       echo " <span style='display: block;'>". date("D. F jS", $thisdate) . ""; 

       if (! (($event_info['event_start'] == '0000') && ($event_info['event_end'] == '0000'))) 
        echo ": 
" . date("g:ia", $event_info['start_unixtime']) . " - " . date("g:ia", $event_info['end_unixtime'])."</span>"; 

// event location 
       if (strlen($event_info['location']) > 0) 
        echo " <span class='italic_text'>" . stripslashes(urldecode($event_info['location'])) . "</span>"; 

       if ((($event_info['event_start'] == '0000') && ($event_info['event_end'] == '0000'))) 
        echo "all day"; 

       // event description. 

       echo "</li>"; 
       } // IF private event AND we don't want to see those 
      }// END enter this event 
     } // END foreach event 
     } // END if there are any events today in the array 

    // iterator should be the next day. 
    // Why is this 25? Shouldn't it be 24? 
    $thisdate = ($thisdate + (25 * 60 * 60)); 





$limit = 6; 
$displayed = 0; 

foreach(...) { 
    if (show_event()) { 
     ... show event ... 
     if ($displayed >= $limit) { 

私はこれを動作させることができませんでした。それでも、イベントは表示されず、表示される日数が制限されます。私はコードの周りすべてを移動し、それは私が得た唯一の効果でした。 :/それはユーザーエラーかもしれませんが –



for ($i=0; $i<$days_to_display; $i++) 

     $thisday = date("Ymd", $thisdate); 

     if (isset($master_array[$thisday])) 
      echo "<br/>"; 

    for($k=0;$k<=$noofevents;$k++) //Where $noofevents is the number of events! 
foreach($master_array[($thisday)] as $event_start_time => $event_set) 
    foreach ($event_set as $event_id => $event_info) 
     // Where are we? 
     // date is $thisdate 
     // time is $event_start_time 
     // event is $event_id; 

     if (! (($event_info['event_text'] == '**PRIVATE**') && ($show_private_events == FALSE))) 
// event title 
      echo "<li>"; 
      echo "<span class='bold_text'>" . stripslashes(urldecode($event_info['event_text'])) . "</span><br/>"; 

// event time range, if not an all-day event 
      echo " <span style='display: block;'>". date("D. F jS", $thisdate) . ""; 

      if (! (($event_info['event_start'] == '0000') && ($event_info['event_end'] == '0000'))) 
       echo ": 
" . date("g:ia", $event_info['start_unixtime']) . " - " . date("g:ia", $event_info['end_unixtime'])."</span>"; 

// event location 
      if (strlen($event_info['location']) > 0) 
       echo " <span class='italic_text'>" . stripslashes(urldecode($event_info['location'])) . "</span>"; 

      if ((($event_info['event_start'] == '0000') && ($event_info['event_end'] == '0000'))) 
       echo "all day"; 

      // event description. 

      echo "</li>"; 
      } // IF private event AND we don't want to see those 
     }// END enter this event 
    } // END foreach event 
    } // END for x events 
    } //END if isset 
}//END for days 

私はこれを試したときに何も表示されません。私はそれが働くには$ days_todisplay行が必要だと思います。知りません?試してくれてありがとう。 –


はい、前と後のコードはすべて同じでなければなりません。この場所に追加するだけです。現在のコードを削除しないでください。正常に動作するはずです。 – Zac


貼り付けをコピーできるようにコードを編集しましたが、かっこを再確認する必要があります – Zac
