2016-07-25 21 views


public int recursiveSum(int i, int[] array) 
    if(i == array.length-1) 
     return array[i]; 
    return array[i]+recursiveSum(i+1, array); 

MIPS命令セットに精通していますか?関数の再帰とスタックの仕組みを理解していますか?そうでない場合、それらのことを勉強して始めてください。それらに慣れている場合は、アセンブリコードの記述を開始し、問題のコードのどの部分に問題があるのか​​を正確に説明してください。 – Michael







トップのコメントブロックには、元の関数と "非標準"のreturn文を削除する修正された関数があります。つまり、高水準言語をasm用の擬似コードとして使用する場合は、という単一の return文をasmの実装方法と同じにするだけです。 HLLでは事を単純に保つことが重要です。単純であればあるほど、asmへのよりリテラルな翻訳です。

また、HLLで実行/モデリングできないasm [特にmips]でできることがいくつかあります。 mipsには32個のレジスタがあります。すべての呼び出しで保持されている "グローバル"レジスタに不変の値(配列のアドレスなど)を置くことを想像してみてください。アドレスはレジスタであり、スタックまたはグローバルメモリではないので、非常にです。

これに相当するHLLはありません。あなたがCを知っていれば、私はjavaではなくその疑似コードを実行します。 Cはポインタ[および明示的なメモリアドレス]を持ちますが、javaはありません。ポインタはasmの生命線です。


# recursive sum 
# // original function: 
# public int recursiveSum(int i, int[] array) 
# { 
#  if (i == (array.length - 1)) 
#   return array[i]; 
#  return array[i] + recursiveSum(i + 1,array); 
# } 
# // function as it could be implemented: 
# public int recursiveSum(int i, int[] array) 
# { 
#  int ret; 
#  if (i == (array.length - 1)) 
#   ret = 0; 
#  else 
#   ret = recursiveSum(i + 1,array); 
#  return array[i] + ret; 
# } 
# // function as it _was_ be implemented: 
# public int[] array; // in a global register 
# public int recursiveSum(int i) 
# { 
#  int ret; 
#  if (i == (array.length - 1)) 
#   ret = 0; 
#  else 
#   ret = recursiveSum(i + 1); 
#  return array[i] + ret; 
# } 



    .word 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 
    .word 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 
    .word 11,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 


msg_simple: .asciiz  "simple sum is: " 
msg_recur1: .asciiz  "recursive sum (method 1) is: " 
msg_recur2: .asciiz  "recursive sum (method 2) is: " 
msg_match: .asciiz  "difference is: " 
msg_nl:  .asciiz  "\n" 
    .globl main 

# main -- main program 
# registers: 
# s0 -- array count (i.e. number of integers/words) 
# s1 -- array pointer 
# s2 -- array count - 1 
# s3 -- simple sum 
# s4 -- recursive sum 
    la  $s1,array    # get array address 
    la  $s0,arrend    # get address of array end 
    subu $s0,$s0,$s1    # get byte length of array 
    srl  $s0,$s0,2    # count = len/4 
    subi $s2,$s0,1    # save count - 1 

    # get simple sum for reference 
    jal  sumsimple    # get simple sum 
    move $s3,$v0     # save for compare 

    # show the simple sum results 
    la  $a0,msg_simple 
    move $a1,$v0 
    jal  showsum 

    # get recursive sum (method 1) 
    li  $a0,0     # i = 0 
    jal  sumrecurs1    # get recursive sum 
    move $s4,$v0     # save for compare 

    # show the recursive sum results 
    la  $a0,msg_recur1 
    move $a1,$v0 
    jal  showsum 

    # get recursive sum (method 2) 
    li  $a0,0     # i = 0 
    jal  sumrecurs2    # get recursive sum 

    # show the recursive sum results 
    la  $a0,msg_recur2 
    move $a1,$v0 
    jal  showsum 

    # show the difference in values between simple and method 1 
    subu $a1,$s4,$s3    # difference of values 
    la  $a0,msg_match 
    jal  showsum 

    # exit the program 
    li  $v0,10 

# sumsimple -- compute simple sum by looping through array 
# v0 -- sum 
# registers: 
# t0 -- array count 
# t1 -- array pointer 
    move $t0,$s0     # get array count 
    move $t1,$s1     # get array address 

    li  $v0,0     # sum = 0 
    j  sumsimple_test 

    lw  $t2,0($t1)    # get array[i] 
    add  $v0,$v0,$t2    # sum += array[i] 

    addi $t1,$t1,4    # advance pointer to array[i + 1] 
    subi $t0,$t0,1    # decrement count 

    bgtz $t0,sumsimple_loop  # are we done? if no, loop 

    jr  $ra      # return 

# sumrecurs1 -- compute recursive sum 
# v0 -- sum 
# arguments: 
# a0 -- array index (i) 
# s1 -- array pointer 
# (1) in the mips ABI, the second argument is normally passed in a1 [which can 
#  be trashed] but we are using s1 as a "global" register 
# (2) this saves an extra [and unnecessary push/pop to stack] as s1 _must_ be 
#  preserved 
# (3) we do, however, preserve the array index (a0) on the stack 
    # save return address and argument on a stack frame we setup 
    subiu $sp,$sp,8 
    sw  $ra,0($sp) 
    sw  $a0,4($sp) 

    blt  $a0,$s2,sumrecurs1_call # at the end? if no, fly 
    li  $v0,0     # yes, simulate call return of 0 
    j  sumrecurs1_done   # skip to function epilog 

    addi $a0,$a0,1    # bump up the index 
    jal  sumrecurs1    # recursive call 

    # get back the index we were called with from our stack frame 
    # NOTES: 
    # (1) while we _could_ just subtract one from a0 here because of the way 
    #  sumrecurs is implemented, we _don't_ because, in general, under the 
    #  standard mips ABI the called function is at liberty to _trash_ it 
    # (2) the index value restored in the epilog of our recursive function 
    #  call is _not_ _our_ value "i", but "i + 1", so we need to get our 
    #  "i" value from _our_ stack frame 
    # (3) see sumrecurs2 for the faster method where we "cheat" and violate 
    #  the ABI 
    lw  $a0,4($sp) 

    sll  $t2,$a0,2    # get byte offset for index i 
    add  $t2,$s1,$t2    # get address of array[i] 
    lw  $t2,0($t2)    # fetch array[i] 
    add  $v0,$t2,$v0    # sum our value and callee's 

    # restore return address from stack 
    lw  $ra,0($sp) 
    lw  $a0,4($sp) 
    addiu $sp,$sp,8 
    jr  $ra 

# sumrecurs2 -- compute recursive sum 
# v0 -- sum 
# arguments: 
# a0 -- array index (i) 
# s1 -- array pointer 
# (1) in the mips ABI, the second argument is normally passed in a1 [which can 
#  be trashed] but we are using s1 as a "global" register 
# (2) this saves an extra [and unnecessary push/pop to stack] as s1 _must_ be 
#  preserved 
# (3) we do, however, preserve the array index (a0) on the stack 
    # save _only_ return address on a stack frame we setup 
    subiu $sp,$sp,4 
    sw  $ra,0($sp) 

    blt  $a0,$s2,sumrecurs2_call # at the end? if no, fly 
    li  $v0,0     # yes, simulate call return of 0 
    j  sumrecurs2_done   # skip to function epilog 

    addi $a0,$a0,1    # bump up the index 
    jal  sumrecurs2    # recursive call 
    subi $a0,$a0,1    # bump down the index 

    sll  $t2,$a0,2    # get byte offset for index i 
    add  $t2,$s1,$t2    # get address of array[i] 
    lw  $t2,0($t2)    # fetch array[i] 
    add  $v0,$t2,$v0    # sum our value and callee's 

    # restore return address from stack 
    lw  $ra,0($sp) 
    addiu $sp,$sp,4 
    jr  $ra 

# showsum -- output a message 
# arguments: 
# a0 -- message 
# a1 -- number value 
    li  $v0,4     # puts 

    move $a0,$a1     # get number to print 
    li  $v0,1     # prtint 

    la  $a0,msg_nl 
    li  $v0,4     # puts 

    jr  $ra