2017-03-23 13 views


result['data'] = pool.map(image_processor, im_info) 

だから、私はpool.map(somefunc,[list of params])は、MATLABのparforに似て考え出しました。私が理解していないのは、image_processorに関連する部分です。私は関数でなければならないと仮定していますが、defを使用するものとして定義されていません。コードは完璧に動作しており、pdbでトレースしようとしましたが、バッチで意図したとおりに画像を処理しているようです。これは非常に些細な質問かもしれません、私はちょうどPythonの初心者です。では、image_processorが動作する順番はどうですか?また、この関数でどのように変更を加えることができますか(複数のパラメータを渡していますが、defを使って関数が定義されていないため、 。

#Data layer for video. Change flow_frames and RGB_frames to be the path to the flow and RGB frames. 

import sys 
import caffe 
import io 
from PIL import Image 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import numpy as np 
import scipy.misc 
import time 
import pdb 
import glob 
import pickle as pkl 
import random 
import h5py 
from multiprocessing import Pool 
from threading import Thread 
import skimage.io 
import copy 

flow_frames = 'flow_images/' 
RGB_frames = 'frames/' 
test_frames = 16 
train_frames = 16 
test_buffer = 3 
train_buffer = 24 

def processImageCrop(im_info, transformer, flow): 
    im_path = im_info[0] 
    im_crop = im_info[1] 
    im_reshape = im_info[2] 
    im_flip = im_info[3] 
    data_in = caffe.io.load_image(im_path) 
    if (data_in.shape[0] < im_reshape[0]) | (data_in.shape[1] < im_reshape[1]): 
    data_in = caffe.io.resize_image(data_in, im_reshape) 
    if im_flip: 
    data_in = caffe.io.flip_image(data_in, 1, flow) 
    data_in = data_in[im_crop[0]:im_crop[2], im_crop[1]:im_crop[3], :] 
    processed_image = transformer.preprocess('data_in',data_in) 
    return processed_image 

class ImageProcessorCrop(object): 
    def __init__(self, transformer, flow): 
    self.transformer = transformer 
    self.flow = flow 
    def __call__(self, im_info): 
    return processImageCrop(im_info, self.transformer, self.flow) 

class sequenceGeneratorVideo(object): 
    def __init__(self, buffer_size, clip_length, num_videos, video_dict, video_order): 
    self.buffer_size = buffer_size 
    self.clip_length = clip_length 
    self.N = self.buffer_size*self.clip_length 
    self.num_videos = num_videos 
    self.video_dict = video_dict 
    self.video_order = video_order 
    self.idx = 0 

    def __call__(self): 
    label_r = [] 
    im_paths = [] 
    im_crop = [] 
    im_reshape = [] 
    im_flip = [] 

    if self.idx + self.buffer_size >= self.num_videos: 
     idx_list = range(self.idx, self.num_videos) 
     idx_list.extend(range(0, self.buffer_size-(self.num_videos-self.idx))) 
     idx_list = range(self.idx, self.idx+self.buffer_size) 

    for i in idx_list: 
     key = self.video_order[i] 
     label = self.video_dict[key]['label'] 
     video_reshape = self.video_dict[key]['reshape'] 
     video_crop = self.video_dict[key]['crop'] 

     r0 = int(random.random()*(video_reshape[0] - video_crop[0])) 
     r1 = int(random.random()*(video_reshape[1] - video_crop[1])) 
     im_crop.extend([(r0, r1, r0+video_crop[0], r1+video_crop[1])]*self.clip_length)  
     f = random.randint(0,1) 
     rand_frame = int(random.random()*(self.video_dict[key]['num_frames']-self.clip_length)+1+1) 
     frames = [] 

     for i in range(rand_frame,rand_frame+self.clip_length): 
     frames.append(self.video_dict[key]['frames'] %i) 


    im_info = zip(im_paths,im_crop, im_reshape, im_flip) 

    self.idx += self.buffer_size 
    if self.idx >= self.num_videos: 
     self.idx = self.idx - self.num_videos 

    return label_r, im_info 

def advance_batch(result, sequence_generator, image_processor, pool): 

    label_r, im_info = sequence_generator() 
    #tmp = image_processor(im_info[0]) 
    result['data'] = pool.map(image_processor, im_info) 
    result['label'] = label_r 
    cm = np.ones(len(label_r)) 
    cm[0::16] = 0 
    result['clip_markers'] = cm 

class BatchAdvancer(): 
    def __init__(self, result, sequence_generator, image_processor, pool): 
     self.result = result 
     self.sequence_generator = sequence_generator 
     self.image_processor = image_processor 
     self.pool = pool 

    def __call__(self): 
     return advance_batch(self.result, self.sequence_generator, self.image_processor, self.pool) 

class videoRead(caffe.Layer): 

    def initialize(self): 
    self.train_or_test = 'test' 
    self.flow = False 
    self.buffer_size = test_buffer #num videos processed per batch 
    self.frames = test_frames #length of processed clip 
    self.N = self.buffer_size*self.frames 
    self.idx = 0 
    self.channels = 3 
    self.height = 227 
    self.width = 227 
    self.path_to_images = RGB_frames 
    self.video_list = 'ucf101_split1_testVideos.txt' 

    def setup(self, bottom, top): 
    f = open(self.video_list, 'r') 
    f_lines = f.readlines() 

    video_dict = {} 
    current_line = 0 
    self.video_order = [] 
    for ix, line in enumerate(f_lines): 
     video = line.split(' ')[0].split('/')[1] 
     l = int(line.split(' ')[1]) 
     frames = glob.glob('%s%s/*.jpg' %(self.path_to_images, video)) 
     num_frames = len(frames) 
     video_dict[video] = {} 
     video_dict[video]['frames'] = frames[0].split('.')[0] + '.%04d.jpg' 
     video_dict[video]['reshape'] = (240,320) 
     video_dict[video]['crop'] = (227, 227) 
     video_dict[video]['num_frames'] = num_frames 
     video_dict[video]['label'] = l 

    self.video_dict = video_dict 
    self.num_videos = len(video_dict.keys()) 

    #set up data transformer 
    shape = (self.N, self.channels, self.height, self.width) 

    self.transformer = caffe.io.Transformer({'data_in': shape}) 
    self.transformer.set_raw_scale('data_in', 255) 
    if self.flow: 
     image_mean = [128, 128, 128] 
     self.transformer.set_is_flow('data_in', True) 
     image_mean = [103.939, 116.779, 128.68] 
     self.transformer.set_is_flow('data_in', False) 
    channel_mean = np.zeros((3,227,227)) 
    for channel_index, mean_val in enumerate(image_mean): 
     channel_mean[channel_index, ...] = mean_val 
    self.transformer.set_mean('data_in', channel_mean) 
    self.transformer.set_channel_swap('data_in', (2, 1, 0)) 
    self.transformer.set_transpose('data_in', (2, 0, 1)) 

    self.thread_result = {} 
    self.thread = None 
    pool_size = 24 

    self.image_processor = ImageProcessorCrop(self.transformer, self.flow) 
    self.sequence_generator = sequenceGeneratorVideo(self.buffer_size, self.frames, self.num_videos, self.video_dict, self.video_order) 

    self.pool = Pool(processes=pool_size) 
    self.batch_advancer = BatchAdvancer(self.thread_result, self.sequence_generator, self.image_processor, self.pool) 
    self.top_names = ['data', 'label','clip_markers'] 
    print 'Outputs:', self.top_names 
    if len(top) != len(self.top_names): 
     raise Exception('Incorrect number of outputs (expected %d, got %d)' % 
         (len(self.top_names), len(top))) 
    for top_index, name in enumerate(self.top_names): 
     if name == 'data': 
     shape = (self.N, self.channels, self.height, self.width) 
     elif name == 'label': 
     shape = (self.N,) 
     elif name == 'clip_markers': 
     shape = (self.N,) 

    def reshape(self, bottom, top): 

    def forward(self, bottom, top): 

    if self.thread is not None: 

    #rearrange the data: The LSTM takes inputs as [video0_frame0, video1_frame0,...] but the data is currently arranged as [video0_frame0, video0_frame1, ...] 
    new_result_data = [None]*len(self.thread_result['data']) 
    new_result_label = [None]*len(self.thread_result['label']) 
    new_result_cm = [None]*len(self.thread_result['clip_markers']) 
    for i in range(self.frames): 
     for ii in range(self.buffer_size): 
     old_idx = ii*self.frames + i 
     new_idx = i*self.buffer_size + ii 
     new_result_data[new_idx] = self.thread_result['data'][old_idx] 
     new_result_label[new_idx] = self.thread_result['label'][old_idx] 
     new_result_cm[new_idx] = self.thread_result['clip_markers'][old_idx] 

    for top_index, name in zip(range(len(top)), self.top_names): 
     if name == 'data': 
     for i in range(self.N): 
      top[top_index].data[i, ...] = new_result_data[i] 
     elif name == 'label': 
     top[top_index].data[...] = new_result_label 
     elif name == 'clip_markers': 
     top[top_index].data[...] = new_result_cm 


    def dispatch_worker(self): 
    assert self.thread is None 
    self.thread = Thread(target=self.batch_advancer) 

    def join_worker(self): 
    assert self.thread is not None 
    self.thread = None 

    def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom): 

class videoReadTrain_flow(videoRead): 

    def initialize(self): 
    self.train_or_test = 'train' 
    self.flow = True 
    self.buffer_size = train_buffer #num videos processed per batch 
    self.frames = train_frames #length of processed clip 
    self.N = self.buffer_size*self.frames 
    self.idx = 0 
    self.channels = 3 
    self.height = 227 
    self.width = 227 
    self.path_to_images = flow_frames 
    self.video_list = 'ucf101_split1_trainVideos.txt' 

class videoReadTest_flow(videoRead): 

    def initialize(self): 
    self.train_or_test = 'test' 
    self.flow = True 
    self.buffer_size = test_buffer #num videos processed per batch 
    self.frames = test_frames #length of processed clip 
    self.N = self.buffer_size*self.frames 
    self.idx = 0 
    self.channels = 3 
    self.height = 227 
    self.width = 227 
    self.path_to_images = flow_frames 
    self.video_list = 'ucf101_split1_testVideos.txt' 

class videoReadTrain_RGB(videoRead): 

    def initialize(self): 
    self.train_or_test = 'train' 
    self.flow = False 
    self.buffer_size = train_buffer #num videos processed per batch 
    self.frames = train_frames #length of processed clip 
    self.N = self.buffer_size*self.frames 
    self.idx = 0 
    self.channels = 3 
    self.height = 227 
    self.width = 227 
    self.path_to_images = RGB_frames 
    self.video_list = 'ucf101_split1_trainVideos.txt' 

class videoReadTest_RGB(videoRead): 

    def initialize(self): 
    self.train_or_test = 'test' 
    self.flow = False 
    self.buffer_size = test_buffer #num videos processed per batch 
    self.frames = test_frames #length of processed clip 
    self.N = self.buffer_size*self.frames 
    self.idx = 0 
    self.channels = 3 
    self.height = 227 
    self.width = 227 
    self.path_to_images = RGB_frames 
    self.video_list = 'ucf101_split1_testVideos.txt' 



コードに本当にその周りに '***'がありますか?私はそれが有効なPythonの構文だとは思わない。あなたが強調表示としてそれを意味していた場合、それはStackOverflowコードブロックでは機能しません。 – Barmar


私は以下のコードですべてのマークを付けました(ハイライト/太字にすることを意図していましたが、コード環境では機能しません)。 – dusa


コード内に何かを示すときに、構文的に有効なコメントを使用します。コードサンプルは実行可能である必要があり、誰かが同じエラーを見ることができるようにする必要があります。 –




self.image_processor = ImageProcessorCrop(self.transformer, self.flow) 

