2017-09-20 5 views


// imports fs (filesystem) package duh 
const fs = require('fs'); 

// the data stream 
const stream = fs.createReadStream("/Users/user/Desktop/authortest_nodejs/testdata/testdata - p"); 

// gonna use this to keep track of whether ive found the search term or not 
let found = false; 

// this is the term the program looks for in the data 
var search = "proceeded"; 

// lovely beautiful unclean way of turning my search term into regular expression 
var searchThing = `\\b${search}` 
var searchRegExp = new RegExp(searchThing, "g"); 

// starts streaming the test data file 
stream.on('data', function(data) { 

    // if found is false (my search term isn''t found in this data chunk), set the found variable to true or false depending on whether it found anything 
    if (!found) found = !!('' + data).match(searchRegExp); 

    // turns raw data to a string and tries to find the location of the search term within it 
    var dataLoc = data.toString().search(searchRegExp); 

    var dataStr = data.toString().match(searchRegExp); 

    // if the data search is null, continue streaming (gotta do this cuz if .match() turns up with no results it throws an error smh) 
    if (!dataStr) return; 

    // removes the null spots and line breaks, pretty up the displayed stuff 
    var dataDisplay = dataStr.toString().replace("null", " "); 
    var dataLocDisplay = dataLoc.toString().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,""); 

    // turns each line of raw data into array 
    var dataArray = data.toString().split("\n"); 

    // log found instances of search term (dunno why the hell id wanna do that, should fix to something useful) edit: commented it out cuz its too annoying 

    // log location of word in string (there, more useful now?) 

// what happens when the stream thing returns an error 
stream.on('error', function(err) { 
    console.log(err, found); 

// what happens when the stream thing finishes streaming 
stream.on('close', function(err) { 
    console.log(err, found, searchRegExp); 

これは、現在(基本的には、1つの単語が百倍程度繰り返す)データにおける検索語のすべてのインスタンスを出力しますが、私は、検索を含む各行全体の出力を必要とします期間だけではなく、 (「2006年5 3を進めた」、単に「進め」ではない)


あなたの質問を更新して、期待される成果の例を示し、あなたが現在得ている結果を説明してください。 – Soviut


@Soviut all good – BearbaBear




const fs = require('fs'); 

function grep(path, word) { 
    return new Promise((resolve) => { 
      stream = fs.createReadStream(path, {encoding: 'utf8'}), 
      buf = '', 
      out = [], 
      search = new RegExp(`\\b${word}\\b`, 'i'); 

     function process(line) { 
      if (search.test(line)) 

     stream.on('data', (data) => { 
      let lines = data.split('\n'); 
      lines[0] = buf + lines[0]; 
      buf = lines.pop(); 

     stream.on('end',() => { 

// works? 
grep(__filename, 'stream').then(lines => console.log(lines)) 



よく機能しますが、タブを削除するにはどうすればよいですか?出力配列に.replace( '\ t'、 '')を試しましたが、まだそこにあります。 – BearbaBear


@BearbaBear: 'replace(string ...)'は一度だけ置き換えます。regexp: '.replace(/ \ t/g、 '')'が必要です。 – georg
