私はXamarin.Forms - プッシュ通知 - iOSの

This is my code: 
[Register ("AppDelegate")] 
public partial class AppDelegate : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.FormsApplicationDelegate, IInstanceIdDelegate, IReceiverDelegate 
public Google.Core.Configuration Configuration { get; set; } 

    NSData DeviceToken { get; set; } 
    public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) 

     NSError err; 
     Google.Core.Context.SharedInstance.Configure (out err); 
     if (err != null) 
      Console.WriteLine ("Failed to configure Google: {0}", err.LocalizedDescription); 
     Configuration = Google.Core.Context.SharedInstance.Configuration; 

     // Configure and Start GCM 
     var gcmConfig = Google.GoogleCloudMessaging.Config.DefaultConfig; 
     gcmConfig.ReceiverDelegate = this; 
     Service.SharedInstance.Start (gcmConfig); 

     // Register for remote notifications 
     var notTypes = UIUserNotificationType.Sound | UIUserNotificationType.Alert | UIUserNotificationType.Badge; 
     var settings = UIUserNotificationSettings.GetSettingsForTypes (notTypes, null); 
     UIApplication.SharedApplication.RegisterUserNotificationSettings (settings); 


     LoadApplication (new App()); 

     return base.FinishedLaunching (app, options); 

    public override void RegisteredForRemoteNotifications (UIApplication application, NSData deviceToken) 

     // Save our token in memory for future calls to GCM 
      DeviceToken = deviceToken; 

     // Configure and start Instance ID 
     var config = Google.InstanceID.Config.DefaultConfig; 
     InstanceId.SharedInstance.Start (config); 

     // Get a GCM token 

    void GetToken() 
     // Register APNS Token to GCM 
     var options = new NSDictionary(); 
     options.SetValueForKey (DeviceToken, Constants.RegisterAPNSOption); 
     options.SetValueForKey (new NSNumber(true), Constants.APNSServerTypeSandboxOption); 

     // Get our token 
     InstanceId.SharedInstance.Token (
      "1055xxxx" ,//My sender id here, 
      (token, error) => Console.WriteLine ("GCM Registration ID: " + token)); 

    public override void DidReceiveRemoteNotification (UIApplication application, NSDictionary userInfo, Action<UIBackgroundFetchResult> completionHandler) 
     // Your own notification handling logic here 

     // Notify GCM we received the message 
     Service.SharedInstance.AppDidReceiveMessage (userInfo); 

    public override void OnActivated (UIApplication application) 
     Service.SharedInstance.Connect (error => { 
      if (error != null) 
       Console.WriteLine ("Could not connect to GCM: {0}", error.LocalizedDescription); 
       Console.WriteLine ("Connected to GCM"); 

    public override void DidEnterBackground (UIApplication application) 

    public void DeleteToken() 
     InstanceId.SharedInstance.DeleteToken (
      "1055xxxx" ,//My sender id here 
      error => { 
       // Callback, non-null error if there was a problem 
       if (error != null) 
        Console.WriteLine ("Deleted Token"); 
        Console.WriteLine ("Error deleting token"); 

    int messageId = 1; 

    // We can send upstream messages back to GCM 
    public void SendUpstreamMessage() 
     var msg = new NSDictionary(); 
     msg.SetValueForKey (new NSString ("1234"), new NSString ("userId")); 
     msg.SetValueForKey (new NSString ("hello world"), new NSString ("msg")); 

     var to = "1055xxxxxx" + "@gcm.googleapis.com"; 

     Service.SharedInstance.SendMessage (msg, to, (messageId++).ToString()); 

    [Export ("didDeleteMessagesOnServer")] 
    public void DidDeleteMessagesOnServer() 
     // ... 

    [Export ("didSendDataMessageWithID:")] 
    public void DidSendDataMessage (string messageID) 
     // ... 

    [Export ("willSendDataMessageWithID:error:")] 
    public void WillSendDataMessage (string messageID, NSError error) 
     // ... 

https://components.xamarin.com/view/googleiosgcm)のiOS のために私のプロジェクトGCMに追加しようと、これはコンソールです:

You have enabled the CloudMessaging service in Developer Console, but it appears as though your Podfile is missing the line: 'pod "Google/CloudMessaging" or you may need to run pod update in your project directory. 

2016-04-26 20:54:43.197 xxxx.iOS[2072:94709] Failed to configure Google: Missing expected subspaces. 

GCM | GCM registration is not ready with auth credentials 
2016-04-26 20:54:47.712 xxxxxxxx.iOS[2072:94709] Could not connect to GCM: The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.google.gcm error 501.) 

私はXamarinからそれを行います。フォーム - 多分これは問題ですか?


任意のアイデアの男を得ました?確かに - 私は、フォルダの追加を資源化にGoogleからのファイルを追加したアクションを構築しました - BundleResource

とのInfo.plistにはgcm documentationを1として削除通知モジュール




したがって、gcmにccooa podを追加/更新してください。 ログごとに、ポッドは更新されません。


ありがとう - ありがとう。私はここで試して更新します – David


iOS Xamarinにcocoapodsを追加した方法を私に教えてもらえればとても良いことです – David


このドキュメントを参照 - > https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/advanced_topics/binding_objective-c/ –