2017-08-06 13 views

10の質問で日付を推測しようとしています。私は10の質問だけを求めるコードを得ることができますが、私は正しい日付に達することに問題があります。プログラムはDecemeber 31に移行し続け、ユーザーが考えている日付を推測する必要があります。私は出力に問題があります。私はまだ非常にプログラミングに新しいので、どんな助けも素晴らしいだろう。Pythonでのバイナリ検索を使用したゲームの推測

#Guess the Date 
#Instructions for program 
print ('Think of a specific date in any year') 
print ('e.g., Jan 1 or Feb 29 or Jul 4 or Dec 25') 
print ('Truthfully answer "Yes" or "No" to the following questions') 
print ('I will determine the date in ten questions or less') 

#Return a list of elements, each element is a date in a calendar year 
def Calendar(monthNames, numDaysInMonth): #defining Calendar 

    if len(monthNames) != len(numDaysInMonth): 
     return [] 

    dates = [] 
    idx = 0  #index is set to zero 

    while idx < len(monthNames): 
     for date in range(1, numDaysInMonth[idx] + 1): 
      dates.append(monthNames[idx] + " " + str(date)) 
     idx = idx + 1 
    return dates 
monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] #list of months 
numDaysInMonth = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] #list of how many days in each month 

#This is a binary search 
first =Calendar(monthNames,numDaysInMonth) #first defined through the Calendar code block 

def guess_game(first = Calendar(monthNames,numDaysInMonth)): #defining guess_game using months list and numDays item in the Calendar code to work the search 

    if len(first) == 1: 
     return first[0] 

    mid = len(first)//2 

    if is_earlier(first[mid]): #list mindpoint 
     return guess_game(first[:mid]) 
     return guess_game(first[mid:]) 

#Answer output, what is out putted in the python shell 
def is_earlier(guess = 10): #defining is_ealier and setting the number of guesses equal to 10 

    answer = input("Is {} earlier then your date? (Yes - earlier /No - not earlier) ".format(guess))#10 or less guesses to to find answer 

    if answer.upper() == "Yes": #if true user can put No, no, n 
     return True 

     return False #if false user can put Yes, yes, y 

guess_game() #intialize quess_game 

あなたは –


は、私は本当に助けこれでトラブルを抱えてましたありがとう停止条件を持っていないようです。 –




if answer.upper() == "Yes": 



monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] #list of months 
numDaysInMonth = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] #list of how many days in each month 

#Return a list of elements, each element is a date in a calendar year 
def Calendar(monthNames, numDaysInMonth): #defining Calendar 
    if len(monthNames) != len(numDaysInMonth): 
     return [] 

    dates = [] 
    idx = 0  #index is set to zero 

    while idx < len(monthNames): 
     for date in range(1, numDaysInMonth[idx] + 1): 
      dates.append(monthNames[idx] + " " + str(date)) 
     idx = idx + 1 
    return dates 

#This is a binary search 
first = Calendar(monthNames,numDaysInMonth) #first defined through the Calendar code block 

def guess_game(first = Calendar(monthNames,numDaysInMonth)): #defining guess_game using months list and numDays item in the Calendar code to work the search 
    mid = len(first)//2 

    val = is_earlier(first[mid]) 

    if val == 1: #list mindpoint 
     return guess_game(first[mid - 1:]) 
    elif val == 2: 
     return guess_game(first[:mid + 1]) 
     return first[mid] 

# Answer output, what is out putted in the python shell 
def is_earlier(guess = 10): #defining is_ealier and setting the number of guesses equal to 10 
    return int(input("{}: 1 - earlier, 2 - later, 3 - equal?: ".format(guess))) #10 or less guesses to to find answer 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    print ('Think of a specific date in any year') 
    print ('e.g., Jan 1 or Feb 29 or Jul 4 or Dec 25') 
    print ('Truthfully answer "Yes" or "No" to the following questions') 
    print ('I will determine the date in ten questions or less') 

    print(guess_game()) #intialize guess_game 

コード内の唯一の問題は本当ですか? –


@AnandSKumarが修正されました。 –


あなたは 'first [mid]'を返すべきであり、 'first [0]'を返すべきではありません。 –



if answer.upper() == "Yes": #if true user can put No, no, n 


if answer.upper() == "YES": 


if is_earlier(first[mid]): #list mindpoint 
    return guess_game(first[:mid]) 
    return guess_game(first[mid:]) 



コード内の唯一の問題は本当ですか? –


@AnandSKumar:それ以上はあると確信しています。 – Blender


これは、多くの助けていただきありがとうございます! –