2012-01-31 14 views


static void Main(string[] args) 
    Random random = new Random(); 

    int returnValue = random.Next(1, 100); 
    int Guess = 0; 

    Console.WriteLine("I am thinking of a number between 1-100. Can you guess what it is?"); 

    while (Guess != returnValue) 
     Guess = Convert.ToInt32(Console.Read()); 

     while (Guess < returnValue) 
      Console.WriteLine("No, the number I am thinking of is higher than " + Guess + " . Can you guess what it is?"); 

     while (Guess > returnValue) 
      Console.WriteLine("No, the number I am thinking of is lower than " + Guess + " . Can you guess what it is"); 
    while (Guess == returnValue) 
     Console.WriteLine("Well done! The answer was " + returnValue); 

問題は何ですか? – Ben


あなたはおそらくifsが必要な場所をいくつか持っています。 –


あなたは毎回 'while'ループに落ちています。そのため、複数のプロンプトが表示されます。一致を見つけたら 'while'ループから抜け出すことができますが、内側' while'ループを 'if'文で置き換えるほうがよいでしょう。 –



。 whileステートメントは、IFステートメントと同様にブール条件をとります。

static void Main(string[] args) 


Random random = new Random(); 

int returnValue = random.Next(1, 100); 

     int Guess = 0; 

     Console.WriteLine("I am thinking of a number between 1-100. Can you guess what it is?"); 

     while (Guess != returnValue) 
      Guess = Convert.ToInt32(Console.Read()); 

      if (Guess < returnValue) 
       Console.WriteLine("No, the number I am thinking of is higher than " + Guess + ". Can you guess what it is?"); 
      else if (Guess > returnValue) 
       Console.WriteLine("No, the number I am thinking of is lower than " + Guess + ". Can you guess what it is?"); 


     Console.WriteLine("Well done! The answer was " + returnValue); 


最後の 'if'は廃止されました。なぜなら、' Guess == returnValue'のときだけループが終了するからです! –


最初に正しく推測すると、「それは何かを推測できますか?」という質問が表示されます。再び。 – Phil


Philさん、ありがとうございました。答えが正しくない場合のみ出力するよう修正しました。 – OnResolve



Console.WriteLine("I am thinking of a number between 1-100. Can you guess what it is?"); 


if (Guess < returnValue) 
    Console.WriteLine("No, the number I am thinking of is higher than " + Guess + " . Can you guess what it is?"); 
if (Guess > returnValue) 
    Console.WriteLine("No, the number I am thinking of is lower than " + Guess + " . Can you guess what it is"); 




にごWhileループを変更する必要があります。 あなたのコードでは、条件のいずれかの値をリセットしていないので、最初のものを実行します。

whileループを終了すると、他のwhileループと同じ問題が発生します。 あなたはこのような何かをしたい:あなたが不要な反復のたくさんを使用している

if (guess > myValue) { // do something } 
else (guess < myValue) {//do something else} 
else { // do a third thing } 


Random r = new Random(); 

int val = r.Next(1, 100); 
int guess = 0; 
bool correct = false; 

Console.WriteLine("I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100."); 

while (!correct) 
    Console.Write("Guess: "); 
    string input = Console.ReadLine(); 

    if (!int.TryParse(input, out guess)) 
     Console.WriteLine("That's not a number."); 

    if (guess < val) 
     Console.WriteLine("No, the number I'm thinking is higher than that number."); 
    else if (guess > val) 
     Console.WriteLine("No, the number I'm thinking is lower than that number."); 
     correct = true; 
     Console.WriteLine("You guessed right!"); 


static void Main(string[] args) 

    Random random = new Random(); 

    int returnValue = random.Next(1, 100); 
    int Guess = 0; 
    int numGuesses = 0; 

    Console.WriteLine("I am thinking of a number between 1-100. Can you guess what it is?"); 

    while (Guess != returnValue) 
     Guess = Convert.ToInt32(Console.Read()); 
     string line = Console.ReadLine(); // Get string from user 
     if (!int.TryParse(line, out Guess)) // Try to parse the string as an integer 
      Console.WriteLine("Not an integer!"); 
     else { 
      if (Guess < returnValue) 
       Console.WriteLine("No, the number I am thinking of is higher than " + Guess + " . Can you guess what it is?"); 
      if (Guess > returnValue) 
       Console.WriteLine("No, the number I am thinking of is lower than " + Guess + " . Can you guess what it is"); 
    Console.WriteLine("Well done! The answer was " + returnValue + ".\nYou took " + numGuesses + " guesses."); 


int total = 1, 
      low = 0, 
      high = 0; 
     int ranNum1, 

     string guessStr; 

     Random ranNumGen = new Random(); 
     ranNum1 = ranNumGen.Next(1, 10); 

     Console.Write("Enter your guess >> "); 
     guessStr = Console.ReadLine(); 
     guess = Convert.ToInt16(guessStr); 

     while (guess != ranNum1) 
      while (guess < ranNum1) 
       Console.WriteLine("Your guess is to low, try again."); 
       Console.Write("\nEnter your guess >> "); 
       guessStr = Console.ReadLine(); 
       guess = Convert.ToInt16(guessStr); 
      while (guess > ranNum1) 
       Console.WriteLine("Your guess is to high, try again."); 
       Console.Write("\nEnter your guess >> "); 
       guessStr = Console.ReadLine(); 
       guess = Convert.ToInt16(guessStr); 
     //total = low + high; 
     Console.WriteLine("It took you {0} guesses to correctly guess {1}", total, ranNum1); 
