注意:$ _SESSION [「インデックスは」]前ページから、最初は0に設定され、$ _COOKIE [ 'quizTakers "]は、最初は空の配列です各質問は、一度に1つに来る
#get array of quizTakers from cookie
$addUser = unserialize($_COOKIE['quizTakers']);
$userN = $_SESSION['username'];
#check if user has taken quiz already and make sure you only check once and not after every question submit
if(count($addUser) != 0 && intval($_SESSION["index"]) == 0){
foreach ($addUser as $user) {
echo "You already took the quiz! <br \>";
echo "<form action=\"changeUser.php\" method=\"post\"> Go Back: <input type=\"submit\"><br \> </form>";
array_push($addUser, $userN);
setcookie('quizTakers', serialize($addUser), time()+86400);
echo "loop was entered <br />";
#if array is empty(this is should execute the every first time someone takes the quiz
elseif (count($addUser) == 0) {
#add user to array if this is first person taking a quiz yo
array_push($addUser, $userN);
setcookie('quizTakers', serialize($addUser), time()+86400);
echo "cookie added line 29 <br/>";
$indexTemp = intVal($_SESSION["index"]);
#get array of correct answers
$correctAns = $_SESSION["correctAnswers"];
#get particular answer at current index
$currentCorrectAns = intval($correctAns[$indexTemp]) +1;
$userAns = intval($_POST['ans']);
echo "The User picked: ".$userAns." and the correct Answer was: ".$currentCorrectAns."<br/>";
if($userAns == intVal($currentCorrectAns)){
echo " you were correct! <br />";
$_SESSION["totalCorrect"] += 1;
echo "you were wrong";
$_SESSION["totalIncorrect"] +=1;
echo "Welcome to your quiz, $userN <br />";
echo "You havent answered any questions yet! <br />";
<!DOCTYPE html>
#When questions are over show results
if($_SESSION["numQuestions"] == $indexTemp){
$_SESSION["index"] = 0;
echo "Your Results are: <br /> ";
echo "Total Questions: ".$_SESSION["numQuestions"]."<br/>";
echo "Total Correct: ".$_SESSION["totalCorrect"]."<br/>";
echo "Total Incorrect: ".$_SESSION["totalIncorrect"]."<br/>";
$percentage = (intval($_SESSION["totalCorrect"])/intval($_SESSION["numQuestions"])) * 100 ;
echo "Percentage Rightht: $percentage % <br/ >";
echo "<form action=\"process.php\" method=\"post\"> Back to Main screen: <input type=\"submit\"><br \> </form>";
$takers = unserialize($_COOKIE['quizTakers']);
echo $takers[0];
if(count($takers) == 1){
echo "<br />";
echo "You were the first Quiz Taker: <br />";
echo "Total Takers: 1 <br />";
echo "Number Right: ".$_SESSION["totalCorrect"]."<br/>";
echo "Number Incorrect: ".$_SESSION["totalIncorrect"]."<br/>";
echo "Average: $percentage % <br/ >";
$filename = $_SESSION["quizOfTheDay"];
$quizStuff = file($filename);
$ctr =1;
$questionInfo = $quizStuff[$indexTemp];
$questionParse = explode("#", $questionInfo);
#$_SESSION["correctAns"] = $questionParse[2];
#echo $_SESSION["correctAns"]." from line 56 <br />";
$_SESSION['notFirstIndex'] = "true";
$answerChoices = explode(":",$questionParse[1]);
echo "$questionParse[0]? <br />";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<form action="questions.php" method="post">
foreach ($answerChoices as $answerChoice) {
echo "<input type='radio' name='ans' id='q1' value=".$ctr."> <label for='q1'>".$answerChoice."</label> <br />";
$ctr +=1;
$_SESSION["index"] = $indexTemp +1;
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="GO!">
なぜあなたはユーザー名の配列をクッキーに入れていますか?各ユーザーには独自のCookieがあります。したがって、クッキーが設定されているか、クッキーが設定されていないかは、決して他のユーザーを含むことはありません。 – Barmar