しかし、コンパイラが "シンボルを見つけることができません"というエラーが発生しています。
Syntax error, static imports are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater.
public final class Constants{
private Constants(){} //Private constructor - no instantiation or subclassing.
// The first two members are constants, used to configure the simulator.
public static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS = 100; // Maximum number of events
public static final double SERVICE_TIME = 1.0; // Time spent serving a customer
public static final int CUSTOMER_ARRIVE = 1;
public static final int CUSTOMER_DONE = 2;
import static Constants.*; //doesn't work.
public class Simulator{
private Event[] events = new Event[MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS]; //Array to queue events - order of events not guaranteed.
//numOfEvents keeps track of number of events in the array.
//total* variables used to track simulation.
//*Id variables used to identify customer.
private int numOfEvents, totalNumOfServedCustomer, totalNumOfLostCustomer = 0;
private int lastCustomerId = 0;
private int servedCustomerId, waitingCustomerId = -1;
//booleans used to track customer status i.e. served or waiting.
private boolean customerBeingServed, customerWaiting = false;
//doubles used to keep track of time of total simulation and waiting time.
private double timeStartedWaiting, totalWaitingTime = 0;
私はあなたがインポートできないJDK 9
を使用してレベルを1.6 1.7または1.8 –
にバンプするhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/1736730/eclipse-magic-syntax-error-varargs-are-only-available-if-source-level-is-1 (https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%22only+available+if+source+level+is+1.5+or+greater.%22も参照してください) –
これはおそらく、次のリストのいずれかと重複しています。 RC。 – nullpointer