Project: Circle Munch
Project explanation: The player has to collect the green circles with the moveable circle via W, A, S, D or arrow keys and avoid the red ones -- Project for "Medieninformatik" WS 2016/2017
Coder: Jannik Indorf
Date of last edit: 12.10.2016
Ideas of interest: diff. big circles, different points
float m_x = width/2; // X-coordinate starting point (center) for: player
float m_y = height/2; // Y-coordinate " "
float [] o_x; // X-c. for : object
float [] o_y; // Y-c. " "
float background_r = random(100); //Background rgb values. 0-100 are dark, player and objects are bright
float background_g = random(100);
float background_b = random(100);
int Score = 0; // Player-Score
int m_radius = 40; // player radius
int o_radius= 30; // Object radia
color g = color(255,0,0); // color green
color r = color(0,255,0); // color red
int[] o_color = {g,r}; // Array for color red && green → Function: color detection
int Counter_o = 1; // Obstacle Counter
int o_c_v = o_color.length; // length of Array: o_color for randomizing the outcome
void setup()
void draw()
// ********** Background color declaration *************************
// ***********Drawing the Player ************************
ellipse(m_x,m_y, m_radius, m_radius); // Moving Object
// ********** TextOut f. Score *************************
// ********** User-Input *************************
//****** Staying inside the window.. *********
if(Score % 10 == 0 || Score == 0)
Counter_o = Score/10 +1;
/*for every Counter_o : draw 1 Ellipse. → for every Counter_o, make 2 new variables for every new object x and object y */
for (int i=0; i<= Counter_o; i++)
for (int j=0; j <= i; j++)
o_x[j] = random(15,625);
o_y[j] = random(15,465);
o_c_v= (int) random(1,2);
ellipse(o_x[j],o_y[j], o_radius, o_radius);
// *********** Collision detection ************************
for(int k =0 ; k< o_x.length ; k++)
if (dist(m_x , m_y, o_x[k], o_y[k]) <= m_radius/2 + o_radius/2)
Score = color_check(o_color[k]);
o_x[k] = random(15,625);
o_y[k] = random(15,465);
} // *************End of loop**************************************************************
Collision detection between circles
Jannik Indorf
int color_check(int check_o_color)
int Score_difference = 0;
if (check_o_color == o_color[0]) // Green Obstacles increase the score
Score_difference = 5;
background_r = random(100);
background_g = random(100);
background_b = random(100);
else // Red Obstacles lower the score
Score_difference = -10;
background_r = random(100);
background_g = random(100);
background_b = random(100);
m_radius = m_radius + Score_difference;
return Score_difference;
User Input via W,A,S,D or ↑ ↓ → ←
Jannik Indorf
void UserInput()
if (keyPressed){
if(key =='w' || key == 'W'||keyCode == UP)
m_y = m_y - 1;
if(key =='a' || key == 'A'||keyCode == LEFT)
m_x = m_x - 1;
if(key =='d' || key == 'D'||keyCode == RIGHT)
m_x = m_x + 1;
if(key =='s' || key == 'S'||keyCode == DOWN)
m_y = m_y + 1;
Staying Inside the Window, get out right, come out left
Jannik Indorf
void InsideWindow()
if (m_x > width)
m_x = 0;
if (m_x < 0)
m_x = width;
if (m_y > height)
m_y = 0;
if (m_y < 0)
m_y = height;
返信いただきありがとうございます! –
編集:もう一度最初からやります。一度に完全に書かれたわけではありませんが、より多くの円と配列を使いたいと思っていたので、ほとんどすべてを変更しなければなりませんでした。 –