私はTurboCで次のプログラムを試しています。関数プロトタイプの1つにリンカーエラーが発生します。 エラーは次のとおりです。undefined symbol checkbranch(char near*) in module student.cpp
ここで、student.cppはファイルの名前です。 コードはエラーなしでコンパイルされ、ここでエラーを検出することはできません。どんな助けもありがとう。 (それでもエラーが のみcheckbranchのためになる)turboC++のリンカエラー:未定義のシンボル
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> void checkbranch(char string[]); void checkusn(char string[]); void checksem(char string[]); void checkname(char string[]); fstream file; class iobuffer { public: char maxbyte[120]; iobuffer(); }; iobuffer::iobuffer() { for(int i=0; i<120; i++) maxbyte[i]='\0'; } class student { public: char usn[20], name[25], sem[10], address[20], branch[10]; student() { strcpy(name,""); strcpy(usn, ""); strcpy(sem, ""); strcpy(branch, ""); strcpy(address, ""); } void read(); void display(); void rsem(); void rname(); void rusn(); void rbranch(); void raddress(); }; void student::rusn() { cout<<"\n\tEnter the new usn: "; gets(usn); checkusn(usn); } void student::rname() { cout<<"\n\tEnter the name: "; gets(name); checkname(name); } void student::rsem() { cout<<"\n\tEnter the sem: "; gets(sem); checksem(sem); } void checkbranch(char string[]); void student::rbranch() { cout<<"\n\tEnter the branch: "; gets(branch); checkbranch(branch); } void student::raddress() { cout<<"\n\tEnter the address: "; gets(address); } void checkname(char arr[]) { for(int j=0; arr[j]!='\0'; j++) if((!isalpha(arr[j]))&&(arr[j]!=' ')) { cout<<"\n\tWrong input. Re-enter: "; gets(arr); j=-1; } } void student::read() { cout<<"\n\tUSN: "; gets(usn); checkusn(usn); cout<<"\n\tName: "; gets(name); checkname(name); cout<<"\n\tSem: "; gets(sem); checksem(sem); cout<<"\n\tBranch: "; gets(branch); checkbranch(branch); cout<<"\n\tAddress: "; gets(address); } void checksem(char arr[]) { int x=0; if((strcmp(arr,"1")==0)||(strcmp(arr,"2")==0)||(strcmp(arr,"3")==0)||(strcmp(arr,"4")==0)||(strcmp(arr,"5")==0)||(strcmp(arr,"6")==0)||(strcmp(arr,"7")==0)||(strcmp(arr,"8")==0)) x=1; if(x==0) { cout<<"\n\tInvalid sem. Re-enter: "; gets(arr); checksem(arr); } } void checkusn(char string[]) { fstream ftemp; char temp[20], tempusn[20], usn[20]; int i; if((strlen(string)!=10)||(!isdigit(string[0]))||(!isdigit(string[3]))||(!isdigit(string[4]))||(!isdigit(string[7]))||(!isdigit(string[8]))||(!isdigit(string[9]))||(!isalpha(string[1]))||(!isalpha(string[2]))||(!isalpha(string[5]))||(!isalpha(string[6]))) { cout<<"\n\tInvalid USN. Re-enter: "; gets(string); checkusn(string); } file.open("studentdb.txt",ios::in|ios::binary); while(file.read(temp,120)) { i=0; while((tempusn[i]=temp[i])!='|') i++; tempusn[i]='\0'; if(strcmp(tempusn,string)==0) { cout<<"\n\tUSN already exists. Re-enter: "; gets(string); checkusn(string); } } file.close(); } void student::display() { cout<<setiosflags(ios::left); cout<<setw(15)<<usn<<setw(20)<<name<<setw(10)<<sem<<setw(15)<<branch<<setw(25)<<address; } class fixedlength:public iobuffer { public: char buffer[120]; void pack(student s); void unpack(student s); }; void fixedlength::pack(student s) { strcpy(maxbyte, ""); strcpy(maxbyte, s.usn); strcat(maxbyte,"|"); strcat(maxbyte, s.name); strcat(maxbyte, "|"); strcat(maxbyte, s.sem); strcat(maxbyte, "|"); strcat(maxbyte, s.branch); strcat(maxbyte, "|"); strcat(maxbyte, s.address); strcat(maxbyte, "#"); } void fixedlength::unpack(student s) { strcpy(buffer, maxbyte); for(int i=0, j=1, k=0; j<=5; i++, j++) { switch(j) { case 1: while(buffer[i]!='|') s.usn[k++]=buffer[i++]; s.usn[k]='\0'; k=0; break; case 2: while(buffer[i]!='|') s.name[k++]=buffer[i++]; s.name[k]='\0'; k=0; break; case 3: while(buffer[i]!='|') s.sem[k++]=buffer[i++]; s.sem[k]='\0'; k=0; break; case 4: while(buffer[i]!='|') s.branch[k++]=buffer[i++]; s.branch[k]='\0'; k=0; break; case 5: while(buffer[i]!='\0') s.address[k++]=buffer[i++]; s.address[k]='\0'; k=0; } } } class delim:public fixedlength { public: void writerecord(student); void readrecord(student); void deleterecord(student, char*); void searchrecord(student, char*); void modifyrecord(student, char*); }; void delim::writerecord(student s) { pack(s); file.open("studentdb.txt", ios::app|ios::binary); file.write((char*)&maxbyte, sizeof(maxbyte)); file.close(); } void delim::readrecord(student s) { file.open("studentdb.txt", ios::in|ios::binary); cout<<"\n\n File Contents\n\n"; while(file.read((char*)&maxbyte, sizeof(maxbyte))) { unpack(s); cout<<endl; s.display(); } getch(); file.close(); } void delim::searchrecord(student s, char *key) { int flag=0; file.open("studentdb.txt",ios::in|ios::binary); while((file.read((char*)&maxbyte,sizeof(maxbyte)))&&flag==0) { unpack(s); if(!strcmp(s.usn,key)) { flag=1; s.display(); } } if(flag==0) { cout<<"\n\tSpecified record doesn't exist"; getch(); file.close(); } } void delim::deleterecord(student s, char *a) { int flag=0; char x; fstream ftemp; file.open("studentdb.txt",ios::in|ios::binary); ftemp.open("temp.txt", ios::out|ios::trunc|ios::binary); cout<<"\n\tAre you sure you want to delete (y/n)?"; cin>>x; if(x=='y'||x=='Y') { while(file.read((char*)&maxbyte, sizeof(maxbyte))) { unpack(s); if(strcmp(s.usn,a)==0) flag=1; else ftemp.write((char*)&maxbyte,sizeof(maxbyte)); } } if(flag==1) { file.close(); ftemp.close(); remove("studentdb.txt"); rename("temp.txt","studentdb.txt"); } if(flag==0) { cout<<"\n\tThe specified record is not found\n"; file.close(); ftemp.close(); } } void delim::modifyrecord(student s, char *a) { int flag=0, choice; file.open("studendb.txt",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); while(file.read((char*)&maxbyte,sizeof(maxbyte))) { unpack(s); if(strcmp(s.usn,a)==0) { char x; flag=1; cout<<"\n\t Current contents: \n\n\n"; s.display(); do { cout<<"What do you want to change: "; cout<<"\n\t1.Name\n\t2. Sem\n\t3. Branch\n\t4. Address\n\t5. Confirm changes\n\t6. Return to main\n"; cout<<"Enter choic: "; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: s.rname(); break; case 2: s.rsem(); break; case 3: s.rbranch(); break; case 4: s.raddress(); break; case 5: break; case 6: return; default: cout<<"Invalid option\n"; } }while(choice==1||choice==2||choice==3||choice==4); cout<<"\n\tDo you want to modify (y\n)?"; cin>>x; if(x=='y'||x=='Y') { pack(s); file.seekg(-120,ios::cur); file.write((char*)&maxbyte,sizeof(maxbyte)); } else break; } } if(flag==0) { cout<<"\n\t Specified record doesn't exist\n"; file.close(); } } void main() { clrscr(); iobuffer i; student s; fixedlength f; delim d; int option; char no[20], key[20]; for(;;) { cout<<"\n\nMenu:- "; cout<<"\n\t1. Insert\n\t2. Display\n\t3. Delete\n\t4. Modify\n\t5. Search\n\t6. End\n\t"; cin>>option; switch(option) { case 1: s.read(); d.writerecord(s); break; case 2: d.readrecord(s); break; case 3: cout<<"Enter the usn to delete\n"; gets(no); d.deleterecord(s, no); break; case 5: cout<<"\nEnter usn to be searched\n"; gets(key); d.searchrecord(s,key); break; case 4: cout<<"\n\tEnter the usn to be modified\n"; gets(no); d.modifyrecord(s,no); break; case 6: exit(0); break; } } }
- プロトタイプ自体を削除してから、c プロトタイプの不足のためompilationエラー)
checkbranch(char * near)とcheckbranch(string [])が異なります。前者の場合は文字列にポインタを渡しますが、後者の場合は文字列を渡しています。 Char *はstringp []と互換性がありません – Ajai