2011-10-27 5 views

私はコンストラクタを持つクラスを持っています。コンストラクタは、HTTPartyのdefault_paramsにパラメータを渡します。しかし、リクエストを分析すると、パラメータを渡していません。ここで、コードは次のとおりです。ここでHTTParty default_paramsがattr_accessorで設定できない

module Dance 
    class Client 
    include HTTParty 

    attr_accessor :api 

    base_uri 'console.fm/api/v2' 
    default_params :api_key => @api 
    debug_output $stderr 

    def initialize(key) 
     @api = key 

    def artists 

    def genres 

    def users 

    def tracks 




tardis:www$ ruby test.rb 
opening connection to console.fm... 
<- "GET /api/v2/genres?api_key= HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost: console.fm\r\n\r\n" 
-> "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\n" 
-> "Server: nginx/1.1.0 + Phusion Passenger 3.0.9 (mod_rails/mod_rack)\r\n" 
-> "X-Rack-Cache: miss\r\n" 
-> "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n" 
-> "Status: 500\r\n" 
-> "Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 00:00:43 GMT\r\n" 
-> "X-Runtime: 0.375296\r\n" 
-> "Connection: close\r\n" 
-> "X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) 3.0.7\r\n" 
-> "Content-Length: 9309\r\n" 
-> "\r\n" 
reading 9309 bytes... 
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-> " `| /)  )))/  ~~~~~__\\____-~~____~~___\n    | | |  (/  __-~~~/______-~~ ,;::' \\   ,\n    o_); ;  / ____~~/   \\,-~~~\\ |  /|\n      ;  (  __-~~/   `:::|  |;|  < >\n     | _  `____~~~~' / `:|  \\;\\_____// \n    ______/\\/~ |    / /  ~______~\n   /~;;.____/;;'/  _______( `;;;/    \n   /// _;______;'_______~~~~~ |;;/\\ /  \n   // | |      /| \\;;,\\    \n   (<_ | ;      /',/_____' _>\n   \\_| ||_      //~;~~~~~~~~~ \n    `\\_|     (,~~ \n          \\~\\ \n          --> \n  \n <article>\n \t\t\t<h1>Don't Drink and DJ.</h1>\n \t\t\t<h2>This PSA brought to you by our broken server.</h2>\n \t\t\t<br>\n \t\t <h3>Sorry about that, go back <a href=\"http://console.fm\" title=\"Console.fm\">home</a> or <a href=\"http://twitter.com/consolefm\" title=\"Contact Console.fm\">contact us</a> about what's not working.</h3>\n </article>\n \n <!-- Proxima Nova provided by Typekit -->\n <script src=\"http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1/webfont.js\"></script>\n <script>\n  WebFont.load({\n  typekit: {\n   id: 'fbv1rsb'\n  }\n  " 
-> "});\n </script>\n  \n <!-- jQuery from Google CDN and local fallback -->\n <script src=\"//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.js\"></script>\n <script>window.jQuery || document.write(\"<script src='javascripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js'>\\x3C/script>\")</script>\n \n <!--[if lt IE 7 ]>\n  <script src=\"js/libs/dd_belatedpng.js\"></script>\n  <script>DD_belatedPNG.fix(\"img, .png_bg\"); // Fix any <img> or .png_bg bg-images. Also, please read goo.gl/mZiyb </script>\n <![endif]-->\n \n <!-- mathiasbynens.be/notes/async-analytics-snippet Change UA-XXXXX-X to be your site's ID -->\n <script>\n  var _gaq=[[\"_setAccount\",\"UA-10020436-28\"],[\"_trackPageview\"]];\n  (function(d,t){var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];g.async=1;\n  g.src=(\"https:\"==location.protocol?\"//ssl\":\"//www\")+\".google-analytics.com/ga.js\";\n  s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s)}(document,\"script\"));\n </script>\n </body>\n \n</html>" 
read 9309 bytes 
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    <title>Console // Drunk DJ Error</title> 

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     by Joni Korpi 
     License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/MIT/ */ 

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     ------ */ 

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     a:hover { 
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     section ul li img:hover { 
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     hr { 

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      Inherits styles from: Default Layout. 
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           //|        ,| 
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         /'///      _-~ _/_-~ | 
         ((/ /'     _ -~  _-~ ,/' 
         \~\/'/|    ____~~____\ _-~ _/, 
       ,,)))))));, \/~-_  ____~~ __~~ __/~ _-~/
       __))))))))))))));,>/\ /  ____~~ \-~~ _-~ 
      -\(((((''''((((((((>~\/  __~~ ____~' _-~ ~| 
    __==//////(('' .  `)))))),/ _____-~~ ~~\~~____~ 
      ))| @ ;-.  (((((/   _____~~'~~/ 
      (`| /)  )))/  ~~~~~__\____-~~____~~___ 
       | | |  (/  __-~~~/______-~~ ,;::' \   , 
       o_); ;  / ____~~/   \,-~~~\ |  /| 
        ;  (  __-~~/   `:::|  |;|  < > 
        | _  `____~~~~' / `:|  \;\_____// 
       ______/\/~ |    / /  ~______~ 
      /~;;.____/;;'/  _______( `;;;/    
     /// _;______;'_______~~~~~ |;;/\ /   
      // | |      /| \;;,\    
     (<_ | ;      /',/_____' _> 
      \_| ||_      //~;~~~~~~~~~ 
       `\_|     (,~~ 

      <h1>Don't Drink and DJ.</h1> 
      <h2>This PSA brought to you by our broken server.</h2> 
      <h3>Sorry about that, go back <a href="http://console.fm" title="Console.fm">home</a> or <a href="http://twitter.com/consolefm" title="Contact Console.fm">contact us</a> about what's not working.</h3> 

    <!-- Proxima Nova provided by Typekit --> 
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1/webfont.js"></script> 
     typekit: { 
      id: 'fbv1rsb' 

    <!-- jQuery from Google CDN and local fallback --> 
    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.js"></script> 
    <script>window.jQuery || document.write("<script src='javascripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js'>\x3C/script>")</script> 

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     <script src="js/libs/dd_belatedpng.js"></script> 
     <script>DD_belatedPNG.fix("img, .png_bg"); // Fix any <img> or .png_bg bg-images. Also, please read goo.gl/mZiyb </script> 

    <!-- mathiasbynens.be/notes/async-analytics-snippet Change UA-XXXXX-X to be your site's ID --> 
     var _gaq=[["_setAccount","UA-10020436-28"],["_trackPageview"]]; 
     (function(d,t){var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];g.async=1; 



def initialize(key) 
    self.class.default_params :api_key => key 


