私は最近同じ挑戦に直面していましたが、私は以下のように動作させました。私のテキストファイルには、フレーズとその説明が '::'で区切られた行ごとに1つのレコードが含まれています。
import spacy
import io
from spacy.matcher import PhraseMatcher
nlp = spacy.load('en')
text = nlp(u'Your text here')
rules = list()
# Create a list of tuple of phrase and description from the file
with'textfile','r',encoding='utf8') as doc:
rules = [tuple(line.rstrip('\n').split('::')) for line in doc]
# convert the phrase string to a spacy doc object
rules = [(nlp(item[0].lower()),item[-1]) for item in rules ]
# create a dictionary for accessing value using the string as the index which is returned by matcher class
rules_dict = dict()
for key,val in rules:
# get just the phrases from rules list
rules_phrases = [item[0] for item in rules]
# match using the PhraseMatcher class
matcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab,rules_phrases)
matches = matcher(text)
result = list()
for start,end,tag,label,m in matches: