I持って、次のfile.txtなど(簡略):パンダ:read_csv示す 'スペース区切り'
SICcode Catcode Category SICname MultSIC
0111 A1500 Wheat, corn, soybeans and cash grain Wheat X
0112 A1600 Other commodities (incl rice, peanuts) Rice X
0115 A1500 Wheat, corn, soybeans and cash grain Corn X
0116 A1500 Wheat, corn, soybeans and cash grain Soybeans X
0119 A1500 Wheat, corn, soybeans and cash grain Cash grains, NEC X
0131 A1100 Cotton Cotton X
0132 A1300 Tobacco & Tobacco products Tobacco X
私はパンダのDFにそれを読んでいくつかの問題を抱えています。私は、次の仕様engine='python', sep='Tab'
SICcode Catcode Category SICname MultSIC
0 0111 A1500 Wheat, corn, soybeans...
1 0112 A1600 Other commodities (in...
2 0115 A1500 Wheat, corn, soybeans...
3 0116 A1500 Wheat, corn, soybeans...
@ unutbu:それは働いた!ありがとう! –