Windows 7 ProfessionalマシンでVirtualBox 5.1.14 r112924を実行しています。私はDebian Testingゲストをインストールしました。数日前、私はマシンを保存しようとしましたが、残念ながら私は正確な状況を思い出しませんでしたが、ホストがサスペンドからRAMに戻った後は、もはやネットワークのないゲストと関係していたと思います。Virtualbox:保存したマシンを起動または回復できません
とにかく、私は何もできない保存されたマシンを持っています:私はそれを開始できません、私は保存された状態を削除することはできません、私はそれをクローンすることはできません。これらのオプションはすべてVB Managerウィンドウでグレー表示されています。また、私は何の誤りもないので、何をすべきかわかりません。
02:37:32.316550 Changing the VM state from 'RUNNING' to 'SUSPENDING'
02:37:32.319680 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file 'D:\Users\EnnoMiddelberg\VirtualBox VMs\Debian_Testing\Debian_Testing.vdi' (flags 000c0781) created successfully
02:38:32.373466 PDMR3Suspend: 60 056 883 803 ns run time
02:38:32.373494 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDING' to 'SUSPENDED'
02:38:32.373520 Console: Machine state changed to 'Paused'
02:38:32.373700 VMR3Suspend:
02:38:32.393131 RUNNING -> SUSPENDING, RUNNING_LS -> SUSPENDING_EXT_LS failed, because the VM state is actually SUSPENDED
02:38:32.393177 VMSetError: F:\tinderbox\win-5.1\src\VBox\VMM\VMMR3\VM.cpp(3619) int __cdecl vmR3TrySetState(struct VM *,const char *,unsigned int,...); rc=VERR_VM_INVALID_VM_STATE
02:38:32.452926 VMSetError: VMR3Suspend failed because the current VM state, SUSPENDED, was not found in the state transition table (old state RUNNING_LS)
02:38:32.5ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_VM_ERROR (0x80bb0003) aIID={872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed} aComponent={ConsoleWrap} aText={Could not suspend the machine execution (VERR_VM_INVALID_VM_STATE)}, preserve=false aResultDetail=0
02:38:32.605107 Console: Machine state changed to 'Saving'
02:38:32.635604 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDED' to 'SAVING'
02:38:32.747945 VUSB: Detached 'HidMouse' from port 1
02:38:40.213749 SSM: Footer at 0x23d179e4 (600930788), 34 directory entries.
02:38:40.213777 VUSB: Attached 'HidMouse' to port 1
02:38:40.231560 SSM: Successfully saved the VM state to 'D:\Users\EnnoMiddelberg\VirtualBox VMs\Debian_Testing\Snapshots\2017-05-23T14-48-18-411341300Z.sav'
02:38:40.231578 Changing the VM state from 'SAVING' to 'SUSPENDED'
02:38:40.316839 Console::powerDown(): A request to power off the VM has been issued (mMachineState=Saving, InUninit=0)
02:38:40.342613 Display::handleDisplayResize: uScreenId=0 pvVRAM=000000000c0a0000 w=1920 h=1106 bpp=32 cbLine=0x1E00 flags=0x1
02:38:40.342664 GUI: UIFrameBufferPrivate::NotifyChange: Screen=0, Origin=0x0, Size=1920x1106, Sending to async-handler
02:38:40.350656 Changing the VM state from 'SUSPENDED' to 'POWERING_OFF'
02:38:40.356473 ****************** Guest state at power off for VCpu 0 ******************
02:38:40.406031 ************** End of Guest state at power off ***************
02:38:41.753488 PDMR3PowerOff: Driver 'AUDIO'/0 on LUN#0 of device 'ichac97'/0 took 1 344 979 632 ns to power off
02:38:41.753791 PDMR3PowerOff: 1 347 726 353 ns run time
02:38:41.762544 Changing the VM state from 'POWERING_OFF' to 'OFF'
02:38:41.983956 Changing the VM state from 'OFF' to 'DESTROYING'
02:38:41.984097 ************************* Statistics *************************
02:38:41.990221 ********************* End of statistics **********************
02:38:41.997747 VUSB: Detached 'HidMouse' from port 1
02:38:42.377555 NAT: Zone(nm:mbuf_cluster, used:90)
02:38:42.378711 NAT: Zone(nm:mbuf_packet, used:90)
02:38:42.378737 NAT: Zone(nm:mbuf, used:90)
02:38:42.378763 NAT: Zone(nm:mbuf_jumbo_pagesize, used:0)
02:38:42.379768 NAT: Zone(nm:mbuf_jumbo_9k, used:0)
02:38:42.380260 NAT: Zone(nm:mbuf_jumbo_16k, used:0)
02:38:42.380639 NAT: Zone(nm:mbuf_ext_refcnt, used:0)
02:39:42.706185 GIM: KVM: Resetting MSRs
02:39:42.720224 Changing the VM state from 'DESTROYING' to 'TERMINATED'
02:39:42.723143 Console: Machine state changed to 'Saved'
02:39:42.723504 GUI: Request to close Runtime UI because VM is powered off already.
02:39:42.888614 GUI: Passing request to close Runtime UI from machine-logic to UI session.